4 "summary": "Objective-C menu and order framework optimized for encoding into barcodes.",
5 "description": "This project provides an implementation of a menu domain model and menu\nordering framework that is designed with encoding orders into 2D barcodes.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/Blue-Rocket/BRMenu",
8 "type": "Apache License, Version 2.0",
12 "Matt Magoffin": "matt@bluerocket.us"
18 "git": "https://github.com/Blue-Rocket/BRMenu.git",
22 "default_subspecs": "Core",
32 "BRCocoaLumberjack": [
37 "BRMenu": "Menu/Resources/Core/**"
43 "Menu/Code/RestKit.h",
46 "header_dir": "RestKit",
51 "RestKit/ObjectMapping": [
57 "name": "AFNetworking",
59 "Menu/Code/AFNetworking.h",
60 "Menu/Code/AFNetworking"
62 "header_dir": "AFNetworking",
91 "BRMenuUI": "Menu/Resources/UI/**/*.{storyboard,lproj,pdf}"
97 "Menu/Code/UI-RestKit.h",
98 "Menu/Code/UI-RestKit"
100 "header_dir": "UI-RestKit",
108 "RestKit/ObjectMapping": [