2 "name": "MMAccessoryPanel",
4 "summary": "Creates and manages collapsible bars on top of any UIScrollView, just below the navigation bar.",
5 "description": " MMAccessoryPanel creates and manages collapsible bars on top of any \n UIScrollView, just below the navigation bar. MMAccessoryPanel collapses \n to invisible when user scroll down, and expand when when user scroll up. \n \n MMAccessoryPanel helps maximize usable screen estate for scroll view. \n The behavior is some what similar to the top bar in Facebook app.\n",
6 "homepage": "http://engineering.medallia.com/",
11 "authors": "Medallia",
16 "git": "https://github.com/medallia/ios-MMAccessoryPanel.git",
21 "MMAccessoryPanel/**/*.{h,m}"
23 "public_header_files": "MMAccessoryPanel/**/*.h",