[Add] TencentEffect_S1-00
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 2 / 5 / 0 / RZBluetooth / 1.0.2 / RZBluetooth.podspec.json
2   "name": "RZBluetooth",
3   "version": "1.0.2",
4   "summary": "A Core Bluetooth helper library to simplify the development and testing of Core Bluetooth applications.",
5   "description": "RZBluetooth is a Core Bluetooth helper with 3 primary goals:\n\n- Simplify the delegate callbacks and encourage best practices\n- Provide a pattern for Profile level APIs, with support for public profiles\n- Simplify and encourage testing - including unit tests, automated integration tests, and manual tests.",
6   "homepage": "http://github.com/Raizlabs/RZBluetooth",
7   "license": {
8     "type": "MIT",
9     "file": "LICENSE"
10   },
11   "authors": {
12     "Brian King": "brianaking@gmail.com"
13   },
14   "platforms": {
15     "ios": "7.0"
16   },
17   "source": {
18     "git": "https://github.com/Raizlabs/RZBluetooth.git",
19     "tag": "1.0.2"
20   },
21   "requires_arc": true,
22   "default_subspecs": "Core",
23   "subspecs": [
24     {
25       "name": "Core",
26       "source_files": "RZBluetooth/**/*.{h,m}",
27       "public_header_files": "RZBluetooth/**/*.h",
28       "private_header_files": [
29         "RZBluetooth/**/*+Private.h",
30         "RZBluetooth/Command/*.h",
31         "RZBluetooth/RZBCentralManager+CommandHelper.h"
32       ]
33     },
34     {
35       "name": "Mock",
36       "dependencies": {
37         "RZBluetooth/Core": [
39         ]
40       },
41       "source_files": "RZMockBluetooth/**/*.{h,m}",
42       "public_header_files": "RZMockBluetooth/**/*.h",
43       "private_header_files": "RZMockBluetooth/**/*+Private.h"
44     },
45     {
46       "name": "Test",
47       "dependencies": {
48         "RZBluetooth/Mock": [
50         ]
51       },
52       "frameworks": "XCTest",
53       "public_header_files": "RZBluetoothTests/RZBSimulatedTestCase.h",
54       "source_files": [
55         "RZBluetoothTests/RZBSimulatedTestCase.{h,m}",
56         "RZBluetoothTests/Helpers/NSRunLoop+RZBWaitFor.{h,m}",
57         "RZBluetoothTests/RZBSimulatedTestCase.h"
58       ]
59     }
60   ]