[Add] TencentEffect_S1-00
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 2 / 8 / 5 / CodeInjection / 1.5.3 / CodeInjection.podspec.json
2   "name": "CodeInjection",
3   "version": "1.5.3",
4   "summary": "CodeInjection save you a lot of compiling time",
5   "description": "Code injection allows you to update the implementation of methods of a class incrementally in the iOS simulator without having to rebuild or restart your application saving developer time. It requires to run the additional InjectionIII Mac app",
6   "homepage": "http://injectionforxcode.com/",
7   "license": {
8     "type": "MIT",
9     "file": "LICENSE"
10   },
11   "authors": "Francisco Javier Trujillo Mata",
12   "source": {
13     "git": "https://github.com/fjtrujy/CodeInjection.git",
14     "tag": "1.5.3"
15   },
16   "platforms": {
17     "ios": "10.0",
18     "osx": "10.12",
19     "tvos": "10.0"
20   },
21   "swift_version": "4.0",
22   "libraries": "z",
23   "source_files": [
24     "InjectionBundle/CoreInjectionClient.{h,mm}",
25     "InjectionBundle/InjectionClient.{h,mm}",
26     "InjectionBundle/NSObjectSwiftInjection.swift",
27     "InjectionBundle/UIViewControllerSwiftInjection.swift",
28     "InjectionBundle/SwiftEval.swift",
29     "InjectionBundle/SwiftInjection.swift",
30     "InjectionBundle/Vaccine.swift",
31     "InjectionBundle/XprobeSwift-Bridging-Header.h",
32     "InjectionIII/InjectionEnum.h",
33     "InjectionIII/SimpleSocket.{h,mm}",
34     "XprobePlugin/Classes/Xprobe.h",
35     "XprobePlugin/Classes/Xtrace.h",
36     "XprobePlugin/XprobeSwift/SwiftSwizzler.swift",
37     "XprobePlugin/XprobeSwift/XprobeSwift.swift"
38   ],
39   "subspecs": [
40     {
41       "name": "Test",
42       "source_files": [
43         "InjectionBundle/InjectionClient.{h,mm}",
44         "InjectionBundle/NSObjectSwiftInjection.swift",
45         "InjectionBundle/UIViewControllerSwiftInjection.swift",
46         "InjectionBundle/SwiftEval.swift",
47         "InjectionBundle/SwiftInjection.swift",
48         "InjectionBundle/Vaccine.swift",
49         "InjectionBundle/XprobeSwift-Bridging-Header.h",
50         "InjectionIII/InjectionEnum.h",
51         "InjectionIII/SimpleSocket.{h,mm}",
52         "XprobePlugin/Classes/Xprobe.h",
53         "XprobePlugin/Classes/Xtrace.h",
54         "XprobePlugin/XprobeSwift/SwiftSwizzler.swift",
55         "XprobePlugin/XprobeSwift/XprobeSwift.swift",
56         "InjectionBundle/XCTestInjectionClient.{h,mm}",
57         "InjectionBundle/XCTestSwiftInjection.swift"
58       ],
59       "frameworks": "XCTest",
60       "xcconfig": {
61         "LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS": "$(PLATFORM_DIR)/Developer/Library/Frameworks"
62       },
63       "pod_target_xcconfig": {
64         "ENABLE_BITCODE": "NO"
65       }
66     }
67   ]