4 "summary": "Swift SMART on FHIR framework for iOS and OS X",
5 "description": " Swift SMART on FHIR framework for iOS and OS X.\n \n Swift-SMART is a full client implementation of the 🔥FHIR specification for building apps that\n interact with healthcare data through [**SMART on FHIR**](http://docs.smarthealthit.org).\n \n Start with `import SMART` in your source files. Code documentation is available from within\n Xcode (ALT + click on symbols) and on [smart-on-fhir.github.io/Swift-SMART/](http://smart-on-fhir.github.io/Swift-SMART/).\n",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/smart-on-fhir/Swift-SMART",
9 "Pascal Pfiffner": "phase.of.matter@gmail.com"
12 "git": "https://github.com/smart-on-fhir/Swift-SMART.git",
23 "Swift-FHIR/Classes/*",
24 "Swift-FHIR/Models/*",
34 "source_files": "Classes+OSX/*"