[Add] TencentEffect_S1-00
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / b / 1 / 8 / SGVSuperMessagingProxy / 2.0.0 / SGVSuperMessagingProxy.podspec.json
2   "name": "SGVSuperMessagingProxy",
3   "version": "2.0.0",
4   "cocoapods_version": ">= 1.0.0",
5   "summary": "Invoke superclass method implementations of dynamically dispatched methods in Objective-C and Swift.",
6   "description": "This NSProxy/SwiftObject proxy allows one to invoke method implementations from any class in the inheritance hierarchy for any Objective-C object or invoke dynamically-dispatched method implementations for any Swift object.\n\nOn creation, the proxy is passed the object and optionally a class in that object's inheritance hierarchy.\n\nAny message sent to the proxy will be executed as if it was invoked with the `super` keyword from within that object's class declaration.",
7   "homepage": "https://github.com/sanekgusev/SGVSuperMessagingProxy",
8   "license": "MIT",
9   "authors": {
10     "Aleksandr Gusev": "sanekgusev@gmail.com"
11   },
12   "source": {
13     "git": "https://github.com/sanekgusev/SGVSuperMessagingProxy.git",
14     "tag": "2.0.0"
15   },
16   "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/sanekgusev",
17   "platforms": {
18     "ios": "8.0",
19     "osx": "10.9",
20     "watchos": "2.0",
21     "tvos": "9.0"
22   },
23   "subspecs": [
24     {
25       "name": "Common",
26       "source_files": "Pod/Sources/Common/TrampolineMacros.h",
27       "private_header_files": "Pod/Sources/Common/TrampolineMacros.h",
28       "platforms": {
29         "ios": "7.0",
30         "osx": "10.8",
31         "watchos": "1.0",
32         "tvos": "9.0"
33       }
34     },
35     {
36       "name": "Objective-C",
37       "source_files": "Pod/Sources/Objective-C/**/*.{h,c,m}",
38       "private_header_files": "Pod/Sources/Objective-C/ObjcTrampolines.h",
39       "dependencies": {
40         "SGVSuperMessagingProxy/Common": [
42         ]
43       },
44       "platforms": {
45         "ios": "7.0",
46         "osx": "10.8",
47         "watchos": "1.0",
48         "tvos": "9.0"
49       }
50     },
51     {
52       "name": "Swift",
53       "source_files": "Pod/Sources/Swift/**/*.{h,c,swift}",
54       "private_header_files": "Pod/Sources/Swift/SwiftTrampolines.h",
55       "dependencies": {
56         "SGVSuperMessagingProxy/Common": [
58         ]
59       },
60       "pod_target_xcconfig": {
61         "SWIFT_INCLUDE_PATHS": "${PODS_ROOT}/SGVSuperMessagingProxy/Pod/Sources/Swift/PrivateModulemap"
62       },
63       "preserve_paths": "Pod/Sources/Swift/PrivateModulemap/module.map",
64       "header_mappings_dir": "Pod/Sources",
65       "platforms": {
66         "ios": "8.0",
67         "osx": "10.9",
68         "watchos": "2.0",
69         "tvos": "9.0"
70       }
71     }
72   ]