[Add] TencentEffect_S1-00
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / c / 0 / a / PinpointKit / 1.5.0 / PinpointKit.podspec.json
2   "name": "PinpointKit",
3   "version": "1.5.0",
4   "homepage": "https://github.com/Lickability/PinpointKit",
5   "source": {
6     "git": "https://github.com/Lickability/PinpointKit.git",
7     "tag": "1.5.0"
8   },
9   "summary": "A library that makes bug reporting simple for your users by allowing them to send feedback with annotated screenshots and logs.",
10   "authors": {
11     "Matthew Bischoff": "matt@lickability.com",
12     "Brian Capps": "brian@lickability.com",
13     "Kenneth Ackerson": "pearapps@gmail.com",
14     "Paul Rehkugler": "paul@rehkugler.com",
15     "Michael Liberatore": "michael@lickability.com",
16     "Andrew Harrison": "andrew@lickability.com"
17   },
18   "license": {
19     "type": "MIT",
20     "file": "LICENSE"
21   },
22   "platforms": {
23     "ios": "9.0"
24   },
25   "requires_arc": true,
26   "frameworks": [
27     "Foundation",
28     "UIKit"
29   ],
30   "default_subspecs": "Core",
31   "dependencies": {
32   },
33   "subspecs": [
34     {
35       "name": "Core",
36       "resources": "PinpointKit/PinpointKit/Resources/*",
37       "source_files": "PinpointKit/PinpointKit/Sources/Core/**/*.{h,m,swift}",
38       "frameworks": [
39         "MessageUI"
40       ]
41     },
42     {
43       "name": "ScreenshotDetector",
44       "source_files": "PinpointKit/PinpointKit/Sources/ScreenshotDetector/ScreenshotDetector.swift",
45       "frameworks": [
46         "Photos"
47       ]
48     }
49   ],
50   "swift_version": "5.0"