4 "summary": "Never implement the UIKeyboardDidShow notification ever again. Ever.",
5 "screenshots": "https://github.com/BellAppLab/Keyboard/raw/master/Images/keyboard.png",
6 "description": "Never implement `NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardDidShow` ever again. Ever.\n\nYeah, seriously. Handling the keyboard on iOS shouldn't be painful. But it is.\n\nSo instead of doing a whole lot of calculations, or embedding everything in `UIScrollView`s, `import Keyboard` and **get on with your life**.",
7 "homepage": "https://github.com/BellAppLab/Keyboard",
13 "Bell App Lab": "apps@bellapplab.com"
15 "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/BellAppLab",
19 "swift_version": "5.0",
20 "module_name": "Keyboard",
22 "git": "https://github.com/BellAppLab/Keyboard.git",
25 "source_files": "Sources/Keyboard/*.swift",
26 "frameworks": "Foundation",