2 "name": "iOSDeviceScreenAdapter",
4 "summary": "A simple class that help you identify device's screen when coding, with some useful extensions inside",
5 "description": "A simple class that help you identify device's screen when coding, with some useful extensions inside\n /**\n get singleton instance\n\n @return the shared screen adaptor\n */\n+ (DeviceScreenAdaptor *)sharedAdaptor;\n\n\n/**\n transfer the UI value to adapt other screen\n\n @param standardValue the value you used when coding with your develop iOS device.\n @return the transfered value when running in other screen type devices.\n */\n+ (CGFloat)adaptedValue:(CGFloat)standardValue;\n\n\n/**\n simply tell you wether the screen is in landscape.\n\n @return the screen is currently landscape or not\n */\n+ (BOOL)isLandscape;\n\n\n/**\n the screen type of current device\n\n @return predefined screen type enum\n */\n+ (DeviceScreenType)screenType;\n\n\n/**\n the type of the current device\n\n @return predefined device type enum\n */\n+ (DeviceType)deviceType;\n\n\n/**\n the device type in string class\n\n @return device type string\n */\n+ (NSString *)deviceTypeString;\n\n/**\n return the height of statusBar, NAVIGATIONBAR HEIGHT NOT INCLUDED\n\n @return status bar height\n */\n+ (CGFloat)statusBarMargin;\n\n\n/**\n return the height of bottom indicator\n\n @return bottom indocator\n */\n+ (CGFloat)bottomIndicatorMargin;",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/dlfkid/iOSDeviceScreenAdapter",
12 "IvanDeng": "dlfkid@icloud.com"
15 "git": "https://github.com/dlfkid/iOSDeviceScreenAdapter.git",
18 "source_files": "ScreenAdapterDemo/ScreenAdapterDemo/ScreenAdapter/*.{h,m}",