2 "name": "JIRAMobileConnect",
4 "summary": "Enables JIRA to collect user feedback and real-time crash reports.",
5 "description": "JIRA Mobile Connect enables JIRA to collect user feedback and real-time crash reports for your mobile apps. Key features include:\n\n* In-app User feedback- Get feedback from your mobile users or testers\n* 2-way Communications -Developers can follow up with users or testers for additional feedback on your app or notify them that their issue has been resolved!\n* Rich Data Collection- Capture text and audio comments, annotated screenshots, and map any custom application data to fields in JIRA",
6 "homepage": "https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/jiraconnect-ios",
7 "license": "Apache License, Version 2.0",
9 "Nick Pellow": "http://twitter.com/niick",
10 "Thomas Dohmke": "http://twitter.com/ashtom",
11 "Stefan Saasen": "http://twitter.com/stefansaasen",
12 "Shihab Hamid": "http://twitter.com/shihabhamid",
13 "Erik Romijn": "http://twitter.com/erikpub",
14 "Bindu Wavell": "http://twitter.com/binduwavell",
21 "hg": "https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/jiraconnect-ios",
25 "JIRAConnect/JMCClasses/Base/**/*.{h,m,mm}",
26 "JIRAConnect/JMCClasses/Core/**/*.{h,m,mm}"
29 "JIRAConnect/JMCClasses/Base/**/*.{xib}",
30 "JIRAConnect/JMCClasses/Core/**/*.{xib}",
31 "JIRAConnect/JMCClasses/Resources/**/*.{png,bundle}"
35 "SystemConfiguration",
41 "libraries": "sqlite3",
42 "vendored_frameworks": "JIRAConnect/JMCClasses/libraries/CrashReporter.framework",