[Add] THEOplayer-Connector-Comscore 5.0.1
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / c / 3 / 7 / RxObjC / 1.0.2 / RxObjC.podspec.json
2   "name": "RxObjC",
3   "version": "1.0.2",
4   "summary": "RxObjC is a Objective-C implementation of Reactive Extensions",
5   "description": "RxObjC:\nRxObjC is a Objective-C port of [RxSwift]\n\nLike the original [Rx](https://github.com/Reactive-extensions/Rx.Net), its intention is to enable easy composition of asynchronous operations and event streams.\n\nRxBlocking: (see [RxSwift/RxBlocking](https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxSwift/tree/master/RxBlocking))\nSet of blocking operators for RxObjC. These operators are mostly intended for unit/integration tests\nwith a couple of other special scenarios where they could be useful.\nE.g.\nWaiting for observable sequence to complete before exiting command line application.\n\nRxTests: (see [RxSwift/RxTests](https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxSwift/tree/master/RxTests))\nUnit testing extensions for RxObjC. This library contains mock schedulers, observables, and observers\nthat should make unit testing your operators easy as unit testing RxObjC built-in operators.\nThis library contains everything you needed to write unit tests in the following way:\n```\n- (void)testMap {\n    RxTestScheduler *scheduler = [[RxTestScheduler alloc] initWithInitialClock:0];\n\n    RxTestableObservable *xs = [scheduler createHotObservable:@[\n            next(150, @1),\n            next(210, @0),\n            next(220, @1),\n            next(230, @2),\n            next(240, @4),\n            completed(300)\n    ]];\n\n    RxTestableObserver *res = [scheduler startWithObservable:[xs map:^NSNumber *(NSNumber *o) {\n        return @(o.integerValue * 2);\n    }]];\n\n    NSArray *events = @[\n            next(210, @(0 * 2)),\n            next(220, @(1 * 2)),\n            next(230, @(2 * 2)),\n            next(240, @(4 * 2)),\n            completed(300),\n    ];\n    XCTAssertEqualObjects(res.events, events);\n\n    XCTAssertEqualObjects(xs.subscriptions, @[\n            Subscription(200, 300)\n    ]);\n}\n```\n\n```",
6   "homepage": "https://github.com/pasha010/RxObjC",
7   "license": "MIT",
8   "authors": {
9     "Pavel Malkov": "mpa026@gmail.com"
10   },
11   "source": {
12     "git": "https://github.com/pasha010/RxObjC.git",
13     "tag": "1.0.2"
14   },
15   "requires_arc": true,
16   "platforms": {
17     "ios": "8.0",
18     "osx": "10.9",
19     "watchos": "2.0",
20     "tvos": "9.0"
21   },
22   "subspecs": [
23     {
24       "name": "Core",
25       "public_header_files": [
26         "RxObjC/*.h",
27         "RxObjC/Concurrency/*.h",
28         "RxObjC/DataStructures/*.h",
29         "RxObjC/Disposables/*.h",
30         "RxObjC/Extensions/*.h",
31         "RxObjC/Observables/*.h",
32         "RxObjC/Observables/Implementations/*.h",
33         "RxObjC/Observers/*.h",
34         "RxObjC/Platform/*.h",
35         "RxObjC/Schedulers/*.h",
36         "RxObjC/Schedulers/Internal/*.h",
37         "RxObjC/Subjects/*.h"
38       ],
39       "source_files": [
40         "RxObjC/*{h,m}",
41         "RxObjC/Concurrency/*{h,m}",
42         "RxObjC/DataStructures/*{h,m}",
43         "RxObjC/Disposables/*{h,m}",
44         "RxObjC/Extensions/*{h,m}",
45         "RxObjC/Observables/*{h,m}",
46         "RxObjC/Observables/Implementations/*{h,m}",
47         "RxObjC/Observers/*{h,m}",
48         "RxObjC/Platform/*{h,m}",
49         "RxObjC/Schedulers/*{h,m}",
50         "RxObjC/Schedulers/Internal/*{h,m}",
51         "RxObjC/Subjects/*{h,m}"
52       ]
53     },
54     {
55       "name": "RxBlocking",
56       "dependencies": {
57         "RxObjC/Core": [
59         ]
60       },
61       "source_files": "RxBlocking/*.{h,m}",
62       "public_header_files": "RxBlocking/*.h"
63     },
64     {
65       "name": "RxTests",
66       "dependencies": {
67         "RxObjC/Core": [
69         ]
70       },
71       "source_files": "RxTests/**/*.{h,m}",
72       "public_header_files": "RxTests/**/*.h",
73       "platforms": {
74         "ios": "8.0",
75         "osx": "10.9",
76         "tvos": "9.0"
77       }
78     }
79   ]