2 "name": "NevisMobileAuthentication-Debug",
4 "summary": "The Nevis Mobile Authentication Client SDK is a software development kit to develop native mobile applications.",
5 "description": "The Nevis Mobile Authentication Client SDK is a software development kit to develop native mobile applications, that are capable of carrying out FIDO UAF 1.1-based authentication in combination with a Nevis Mobile Authentication backend.\nThe Nevis Mobile Authentication Client SDK is part of the Nevis Mobile Authentication solution, and it is designed to offer maximum flexibility. You can embed the Nevis Mobile Authentication Client SDK into existing native iOS and Android mobile applications to enhance them with Nevis Mobile Authentication capabilities, or use the SDK in a new mobile application written from scratch.\n\nPurpose of the SDK:\nThe purpose of the Nevis Mobile Authentication Client SDK is to simplify the life of the developer, by abstracting away all complex FIDO UAF core implementations and related flows that interact with the Nevis Mobile Authentication backend. When embedding the SDK into your existing mobile applications, you only have to focus on the client side. There is no need to worry about the complex interactions between the FIDO UAF core implementations, and the Nevis Mobile Authentication backend.",
7 "Nevis Security": "sales@nevis.net"
9 "homepage": "https://github.com/nevissecurity/nevis-mobile-authentication-sdk-ios-package",
10 "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/wearenevis",
18 "swift_versions": "5.6.1",
20 "vendored_frameworks": "NevisMobileAuthentication.xcframework"
23 "http": "https://github.com/nevissecurity/nevis-mobile-authentication-sdk-ios-package/releases/download/3.0.0/NevisMobileAuthentication-Debug.xcframework.zip"
25 "swift_version": "5.6.1"