2 "name": "MPNumericTextField",
4 "summary": "A class that extends UITextField to input numbers, percentages and currencies.",
5 "description": "MPNumericTextField extends the UITextField class to more easily input numbers, percentages and currencies.\nIt uses the current locale or a custom defined one if needed, and makes it easy\nto write and read the numeric value of the text field.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/marzapower/MPNumericTextField",
11 "Daniele Di Bernardo": "daniele.dib@gmail.com"
13 "social_media_url": "http://twitter.com/marzapower",
18 "git": "https://github.com/marzapower/MPNumericTextField.git",
25 "exclude_files": "Classes/Exclude",
26 "public_header_files": "Classes/**/*.h",