[Add] THEOplayer-Connector-Comscore 5.0.1
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / d / 3 / 5 / Spark-SDK / 0.1.2 / Spark-SDK.podspec.json
2   "name": "Spark-SDK",
3   "version": "0.1.2",
4   "summary": "Spark mobile SDK for interacting with connected products via Spark Cloud",
5   "description": "                        Cocoapod library of Spark mobile SDK for iOS\n                        Spark mobile SDK for iOS devices interacting with connected products via Spark Cloud\n                        This library will allow you to easily perform the following:\n                        - User session management for Spark cloud\n                        - Read/write data to/from Spark Core, Photon or Electron devices\n                        - Publish and subscribe events to/from the cloud or to/from devices (beta)\n",
6   "homepage": "https://github.com/spark/Spark-SDK-ios",
7   "license": "LGPL v3",
8   "authors": {
9     "Ido Kleinman": "ido@spark.io"
10   },
11   "source": {
12     "git": "https://github.com/spark/Spark-SDK-ios.git",
13     "tag": "0.1.2"
14   },
15   "platforms": {
16     "ios": "7.0"
17   },
18   "requires_arc": true,
19   "public_header_files": "Pod/Classes/*.h",
20   "source_files": "Pod/Classes/Spark-SDK.h",
21   "resource_bundles": {
22     "Spark-SDK": [
23       "Pod/Assets/*.png"
24     ]
25   },
26   "subspecs": [
27     {
28       "name": "Helpers",
29       "source_files": [
30         "Pod/Classes/KeychainItemWrapper.{h,m}",
31         "Pod/Classes/Reachability.{h,m}"
32       ],
33       "ios": {
34         "frameworks": [
35           "SystemConfiguration",
36           "Security"
37         ]
38       }
39     },
40     {
41       "name": "SDK",
42       "source_files": "Pod/Classes/Spark*.{h,m}",
43       "dependencies": {
44         "AFNetworking": [
46         ],
47         "Spark-SDK/Helpers": [
49         ]
50       }
51     }
52   ]