2 "name": "crash-report-assert",
4 "summary": "Custom Assertion with a \\\"hack\\\" to throw exceptions when the assertion fails (instead of just aborting).",
5 "description": " <h2>Custom assertion</h2>\nThanks to the article by Mike Ash (see legal at the bottom) I came to the realization that the assertions provided by default although good in principle lack a lot of potential and decided that a better one could be done with some simple tweakings from the code in the article.<br />\nFor this I created a \"custom\" assertion that also supports the use of CocoaLumberjack and has a \"hack\" to throw exceptions when the assertion fails (instead of just aborting).\n<br/><br/>\nThe assertion has a couple of possible \"configurations\" explained below.\n\n<h2>Features supported</h2>\n<ul>\n <li>Assertion supports the use of CocoaLumberjack [<a href=\"https://github.com/robbiehanson/CocoaLumberjack\">GitHub Repo</a>] for more detailed logging.\n <ul>\n <li>In order to use it you need to set the PREPROCESSOR macro USE_LUMBERJACK=1 and configure the loggers for CocoaLumberjack (demo app does this)</li>\n </ul>\n </li>\n <li>Assertion also supports a \"hack\" to make the assertion reach the CrashReport via a flag that will output the assert as an exception.<br />\n <i><b> Note: The \"extra\" data will just appear in the CrashReport pointing to the line where the assertion was called.</b></i>\n <ul>\n <li>To do this specify the PREPROCESSOR macro kSHOULD_THROW_EXCEPTION=1 and this will make the assertion to build a \"custom\" exception with the following data:\n <ul>\n <li>Message: Assertion Failure - #expression</li>\n <li>Reason: #expression</li>\n <li>User Info:\n <ul>\n <li>File: File name where the assertion failed</li>\n <li>Line: Line number on the file where the assertion failed</li>\n <li>Function: The name of the function where the assertion failed</li>\n <li>Message: The custom message provided to the assertion (if any)</li>\n </ul>\n </li>\n </ul>\n </li>\n </ul>\n </li>\n</ul>\n\n<h2>To-Do</h2>\n<ul>\n <li>Add support for FlurrySDK (Logging the custom exception to Flurry as a way to reach all the possible data)</li>\n <li>Add support for Crittercism (Same as FlurrySDK)</li>\n <li>Add an automatic way of sending the CocoaLumberjack logs compressed to a desired location</li>\n</ul>\n\n<h2>Legal</h2>\nBased on an article by Mike Ash - <a href=\"http://www.mikeash.com/pyblog/friday-qa-2013-05-03-proper-use-of-asserts.html?utm_source=iOS+Dev+Weekly&utm_campaign=7dba454803-iOS_Dev_Weekly_Issue_93&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_7bda94b7ca-7dba454803-267010305\">Friday Q&A 2013-05-03: Proper Use of Asserts</a>\n\nIcon was taken from <a href=\"http://www.iconfinder.com/icondetails/66831/128/error_note_icon\">IconFinder.com</a><br />\nAnd used under this <a href=\"http://www.iconfinder.com/iconsets/Hand_Drawn_Web_Icon_Set#readme\">license</a>\n",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/esttorhe/crash-report-assert",
12 "Esteban Torres": "me@estebantorr.es"
15 "git": "https://github.com/esttorhe/crash-report-assert.git",
21 "source_files": "CrashReportAssert-Example/CrashReportAssert/",