2 "name": "MBGithubOAuthClient",
4 "summary": "MBGithubOAuthClient is a dead simple wrapper class for performing OAuth requests on Github.",
5 "description": " MBGithubOAuthClient is a dead simple wrapper class for performing OAuth requests on Github. In addition to authentication, it offers 2 ways of saving access token - user defaults or iOS keychain.\n\n\n ##What is It?\n\n MBGithubOAuthClient takes advantage of NSURLSession and a singleton pattern to setup proper authorization requests.\n\n ##Setup\n\n The easiest way to implement MBGithubOAuthClient is as a cocoa pod. Add the following line to your Podfile:\n\n ```pod “MBGithubOAuthClient”```\n\n ##How To Use\n\n\n 1. Register your app with GitHub to get client ID and client secret code.\n\n 1. Get a pointer to your singleton instance.\n\n ```MBGithubOAuthClient *githubClient = [MBGithubOAuthClient clientWithID:kGithubClientID andSecret:kGithubClientSecret];```\n\n 1. Setup initial parameters for GitHub access request (https://developer.github.com/v3/oauth/) and let MBGithubOAuthClient do the rest.\n\n ```[githubClient oauthRequestWithParameters:@{ @\"client_id\" : githubClient.githubClientID, @\"scope\" : @\"email,user\" }];```\n\n 1. After successful authentication, you will be able to access your token by calling accessToken on your singleton.\n\n ```[[MBGithubOAuthClient sharedClient]accessToken];```\n\n Feel free to send pull requests for fixes or create issues to request a new feature.\n\n Thank you.\n",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/michaelbabiy/MBGithubOAuthClient",
8 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/michaelbabiy/MBGithubOAuthClient/master/github-login-shot.jpg",
9 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/michaelbabiy/MBGithubOAuthClient/master/github-oauth-shot.jpg",
10 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/michaelbabiy/MBGithubOAuthClient/master/token-saved-log.jpg"
17 "Michael Babiy": "ic.babiy@gmail.com",
18 "John Clem": "johnnyclem@gmail.com"
24 "git": "https://github.com/michaelbabiy/MBGithubOAuthClient.git",
28 "MBGithubOAuthClient",
29 "MBGithubOAuthClient/*.{h,m}"