[Add] com-qqsdk-control-Tools 1.2.1
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 5 / e / 6 / Dynatrace / / Dynatrace.podspec.json
2   "name": "Dynatrace",
3   "version": "",
4   "summary": "Dynatrace collects app performance and usage data in real-time",
5   "description": "# Dynatrace\n\n[https://www.dynatrace.com](https://www.dynatrace.com/)\n\nDynatrace provides the next generation intelligent application, service and infrastructure monitoring\nplatform.\n\n[![CocoaPods](https://img.shields.io/badge/pod-8-blue.svg)](https://cocoapods.org/pods/Dynatrace)\n[![Carthage compatible](https://img.shields.io/badge/Carthage-compatible-4BC51D.svg?style=flat)](https://files.dynatrace.com/mobileagent/carthage/dynatrace.json)\n![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-Commercial-lightgrey.svg)\n\n## Contents\n\n* [Features](#features)\n* [Installation](#installation)\n* [Requirements](#requirements)\n* [Documentation](#documentation)\n\n## Features\n\n* Intelligent application, service and infrastructure monitoring\n* No manual setup required\n\n\n## Installation\n\n### iOS\n\nInclude Dynatrace in your Podfile:\n\n```ruby\nuse_frameworks!\npod 'Dynatrace', '~> 8.257'\n```\nThis uses the default subspec `Dynatrace/xcframework`, which uses an XCFramework that contains all supported platforms.\n\nIf you want to use the static XCFramework use this:\n\n```ruby\nuse_frameworks!\npod 'Dynatrace/xcframeworkStatic', '~> 8.257'\n```\n\n*DEPRECATED:* If you want to use the traditional framework use this:\n\n```ruby\nuse_frameworks!\npod 'Dynatrace/framework', '~> 8.257'\n```\n\n*DEPRECATED:* If you want to use the Dynatrace static library please include the subspec `Dynatrace/lib` in your Podfile:\n\n```ruby\npod 'Dynatrace/lib', '~> 8.257'\n```\n\n### iOS Session Replay\n\nFor SessionReplay use the subspec:\n\n```ruby\nuse_frameworks!\npod 'Dynatrace/SessionReplay', '~> 8.257'\n```\nThis uses the subspec `Dynatrace/SessionReplayXCFramework`, which uses an XCFramework that contains all supported platforms.\n\n*DEPRECATED:* If you want to use the traditional framework use this:\n\n```ruby\nuse_frameworks!\npod 'Dynatrace/SessionReplayFramework', '~> 8.257'\n```\n\n### tvOS\n\nInclude Dynatrace in your Podfile:\n\n```ruby\nuse_frameworks!\npod 'Dynatrace', '~> 8.257'\n```\nThis uses the default subspec `Dynatrace/xcframework`, which uses an XCFramework that contains all supported platforms.\n\n*DEPRECATED:* If you want to use the traditional framework include this in your Podfile:\n\n```ruby\nuse_frameworks!\npod 'Dynatrace/tvOS', '~> 8.257'\n```\n\n## Requirements\n* Project targeting iOS 11+ or tvOS 11+\n* Latest Xcode major version\n\n## Documentation\n\nDetailed documentation can be found here: [Dynatrace Documentation](https://www.dynatrace.com/support/help/technology-support/operating-systems/ios/)",
6   "homepage": "https://www.dynatrace.com",
7   "documentation_url": "https://help.dynatrace.com",
8   "license": {
9     "type": "Commercial",
10     "text": "https://github.com/Dynatrace/dem-license/blob/main/LICENSE.md"
11   },
12   "authors": {
13     "Dynatrace": "https://support.dynatrace.com"
14   },
15   "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/dynatrace",
16   "platforms": {
17     "ios": "11.0",
18     "tvos": "11.0"
19   },
20   "source": {
21     "http": "https://mobileagent.downloads.dynatrace.com/ios/"
22   },
23   "cocoapods_version": ">= 1.9",
24   "default_subspecs": "xcframework",
25   "ios": {
26     "frameworks": [
27       "CoreLocation",
28       "CoreTelephony",
29       "Security",
30       "SystemConfiguration",
31       "MessageUI",
32       "WebKit"
33     ]
34   },
35   "tvos": {
36     "frameworks": [
37       "CoreLocation",
38       "Security",
39       "SystemConfiguration",
40       "TVUIKit",
41       "TVMLKit",
42       "TVServices"
43     ]
44   },
45   "libraries": [
46     "sqlite3",
47     "z",
48     "c++"
49   ],
50   "requires_arc": true,
51   "compiler_flags": "-DOS_OBJECT_USE_OBJC=1",
52   "swift_versions": "5.1",
53   "user_target_xcconfig": {
54     "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]": "i386"
55   },
56   "pod_target_xcconfig": {
57     "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]": "i386"
58   },
59   "subspecs": [
60     {
61       "name": "lib",
62       "platforms": {
63         "ios": "11.0"
64       },
65       "ios": {
66         "vendored_libraries": "iOS/agent/libDynatrace.a"
67       },
68       "source_files": "iOS/agent/*.{h,m}",
69       "public_header_files": "iOS/agent/*.h",
70       "pod_target_xcconfig": {
71         "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]": "arm64"
72       },
73       "user_target_xcconfig": {
74         "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]": "arm64"
75       }
76     },
77     {
78       "name": "framework",
79       "platforms": {
80         "ios": "11.0"
81       },
82       "ios": {
83         "vendored_frameworks": "iOS/agent/Dynatrace.framework"
84       },
85       "pod_target_xcconfig": {
86         "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]": "arm64"
87       },
88       "user_target_xcconfig": {
89         "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]": "arm64"
90       }
91     },
92     {
93       "name": "xcframework",
94       "platforms": {
95         "ios": "11.0",
96         "tvos": "11.0"
97       },
98       "ios": {
99         "vendored_frameworks": "XCFramework/Dynatrace.xcframework"
100       },
101       "tvos": {
102         "vendored_frameworks": "XCFramework/Dynatrace.xcframework"
103       }
104     },
105     {
106       "name": "xcframeworkStatic",
107       "platforms": {
108         "ios": "11.0"
109       },
110       "ios": {
111         "vendored_frameworks": "XCFrameworkStatic/DynatraceStatic.xcframework"
112       }
113     },
114     {
115       "name": "tvOS",
116       "platforms": {
117         "tvos": "11.0"
118       },
119       "tvos": {
120         "vendored_frameworks": "tvOS/agent/DynatraceTVOS.framework"
121       },
122       "pod_target_xcconfig": {
123         "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=appletvsimulator*]": "arm64"
124       },
125       "user_target_xcconfig": {
126         "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=appletvsimulator*]": "arm64"
127       }
128     },
129     {
130       "name": "SessionReplay",
131       "platforms": {
132         "ios": "11.0"
133       },
134       "dependencies": {
135         "Dynatrace/SessionReplayXCFramework": [
137         ]
138       },
139       "pod_target_xcconfig": {
140         "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=appletvos*]": "",
141         "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=appletvsimulator*]": ""
142       },
143       "user_target_xcconfig": {
144         "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=appletvos*]": "",
145         "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=appletvsimulator*]": ""
146       }
147     },
148     {
149       "name": "SessionReplayFramework",
150       "platforms": {
151         "ios": "11.0"
152       },
153       "dependencies": {
154         "Dynatrace/framework": [
156         ]
157       },
158       "ios": {
159         "vendored_frameworks": "iOS/agent/DynatraceSessionReplay.framework"
160       },
161       "pod_target_xcconfig": {
162         "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]": "arm64",
163         "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=appletvos*]": "",
164         "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=appletvsimulator*]": ""
165       },
166       "user_target_xcconfig": {
167         "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]": "arm64",
168         "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=appletvos*]": "",
169         "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=appletvsimulator*]": ""
170       }
171     },
172     {
173       "name": "SessionReplayXCFramework",
174       "platforms": {
175         "ios": "11.0"
176       },
177       "dependencies": {
178         "Dynatrace/xcframework": [
180         ]
181       },
182       "ios": {
183         "vendored_frameworks": "XCFramework/DynatraceSessionReplay.xcframework"
184       },
185       "pod_target_xcconfig": {
186         "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=appletvos*]": "",
187         "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=appletvsimulator*]": ""
188       },
189       "user_target_xcconfig": {
190         "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=appletvos*]": "",
191         "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=appletvsimulator*]": ""
192       }
193     }
194   ],
195   "swift_version": "5.1"