4 "summary": "AJScoreView is a custoum view for use score, it can change sharpe with star, heart and other custom path.",
5 "description": "AJScoreView is a custoum view for display evaluation score, it can change sharpe with star, heart and other custom path. It also support many arguments, like color, border, number etc. It support storyboard and edit event.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/aijun198600/AJScoreView",
12 "aijunx": "aijun198600@126.com"
15 "git": "https://github.com/aijun198600/AJScoreView.git",
21 "source_files": "AJScoreView/AJScoreView/Classes/*.{h,m}",
22 "public_header_files": "AJScoreView/AJScoreView/Classes/*.h",
23 "frameworks": "UIKit",