[Add] com-qqsdk-control-Tools 1.2.1
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 7 / 8 / 2 / CMKit / 0.2.2 / CMKit.podspec.json
2   "name": "CMKit",
3   "version": "0.2.2",
4   "summary": "A project about iOS development Contains lots of tools and Category.",
5   "homepage": "https://github.com/ZuoLuFei/CMKit",
6   "license": "MIT",
7   "authors": {
8     "ZuoLuFei": "yuan_ren_ge@163.com"
9   },
10   "platforms": {
11     "ios": "7.0"
12   },
13   "source": {
14     "git": "https://github.com/ZuoLuFei/CMKit.git",
15     "tag": "0.2.2"
16   },
17   "public_header_files": "CMKit/CMKit.h",
18   "source_files": "CMKit/CMKit.h",
19   "requires_arc": true,
20   "subspecs": [
21     {
22       "name": "Category",
23       "source_files": "CMKit/CMKit-Category(分类)/**/*.{h,m}"
24     },
25     {
26       "name": "AlertView",
27       "source_files": "CMKit/CMKit-Tool(工具类)/Tool-AlertView(警告框)/*.{h,m}"
28     },
29     {
30       "name": "AnimationEffect",
31       "source_files": "CMKit/CMKit-Tool(工具类)/Tool-AnimationEffect(动画特效)/**/*.{h,m}",
32       "dependencies": {
33         "CMKit/Category": [
35         ]
36       }
37     },
38     {
39       "name": "ProgressHUD",
40       "source_files": "CMKit/CMKit-Tool(工具类)/Tool-HUD(提示框)/*.{h,m}",
41       "resources": "CMKit/CMKit-Tool(工具类)/Tool-HUD(提示框)/MBProgressHUD+CMKit.bundle",
42       "frameworks": [
43         "CoreGraphics",
44         "QuartzCore"
45       ]
46     },
47     {
48       "name": "CommonSuperClass",
49       "source_files": "CMKit/CMKit-Tool(工具类)/Tool-CommonSuperClass(共用父类)/*.{h,m}"
50     },
51     {
52       "name": "NewFeatures",
53       "source_files": "CMKit/CMKit-Tool(工具类)/Tool-NewFeatures(新特性)/*.{h,m}"
54     },
55     {
56       "name": "ImagePicker",
57       "source_files": "CMKit/CMKit-Tool(工具类)/Tool-ImagePicker(相机、相册)/CMImagePickerManager.{h,m}",
58       "frameworks": [
59         "AVFoundation",
60         "AssetsLibrary",
61         "Photos"
62       ]
63     },
64     {
65       "name": "FirstLetterCityList",
66       "source_files": "CMKit/CMKit-Tool(工具类)/Tool-CityList(城市列表)/FirstLetterCityList(城市首字母列表)/**/*.{h,m}",
67       "resources": "CMKit/CMKit-Tool(工具类)/Tool-CityList(城市列表)/FirstLetterCityList(城市首字母列表)/CMCityList.bundle"
68     },
69     {
70       "name": "ThreeLevelCityList",
71       "source_files": "CMKit/CMKit-Tool(工具类)/Tool-CityList(城市列表)/ThreeLevelCityList(城市三级列表)/**/*.{h,m}",
72       "resources": "CMKit/CMKit-Tool(工具类)/Tool-CityList(城市列表)/ThreeLevelCityList(城市三级列表)/CMThreeLevelCityList.bundle"
73     },
74     {
75       "name": "FMDBOperation",
76       "source_files": "CMKit/CMKit-Tool(工具类)/Tool-FMDBOperation(FMDB操作)/**/*.{h,m}",
77       "libraries": "sqlite3"
78     },
79     {
80       "name": "PictureBrowse",
81       "source_files": "CMKit/CMKit-Tool(工具类)/Tool-PictureBrowse(图片浏览器)/*.{h,m}",
82       "dependencies": {
83         "SDWebImage": [
84           "~> 4.0.0-beta2"
85         ]
86       },
87       "resources": "CMKit/CMKit-Tool(工具类)/Tool-PictureBrowse(图片浏览器)/MSSBrowse.bundle"
88     },
89     {
90       "name": "UnLock",
91       "source_files": "CMKit/CMKit-Tool(工具类)/Tool-UnLock(手势、指纹解锁)/*.{h,m}",
92       "resources": "CMKit/CMKit-Tool(工具类)/Tool-UnLock(手势、指纹解锁)/DWUNlock.bundle"
93     },
94     {
95       "name": "SemiScene",
96       "source_files": "CMKit/CMKit-Tool(工具类)/Tool-SemiScene(半挂式场景切换)/*.{h,m}",
97       "frameworks": "QuartzCore"
98     },
99     {
100       "name": "DropdownAmplify",
101       "source_files": "CMKit/CMKit-Tool(工具类)/Tool-DropdownAmplify(下拉放大)/*.{h,m}"
102     },
103     {
104       "name": "ShimmerLabel",
105       "source_files": "CMKit/CMKit-Tool(工具类)/Tool-ShimmerLabel(闪烁文字)/*.{h,m}"
106     },
107     {
108       "name": "ProgressView",
109       "source_files": "CMKit/CMKit-Tool(工具类)/Tool-ProgressView(进度条)/*.{h,m}",
110       "dependencies": {
111         "UICountingLabel": [
113         ]
114       }
115     }
116   ]