[Add] com-qqsdk-control-Tools 1.2.1
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 7 / 9 / 6 / adlibr / / adlibr.podspec.json
2   "name": "adlibr",
3   "version": "",
4   "summary": "adlibr SDK with helper.",
5   "homepage": "https://github.com/mocoplex/adlibr-SDK-ios/",
6   "license": {
7     "type": "BSD",
8     "text": "         Copyright (c) 2012 Mocoplex, Inc. All rights reserved.\n         Licensed under the BSD open source license.\n"
9   },
10   "authors": "mocoplex",
11   "source": {
12     "git": "https://github.com/youknowone/adlibr-SDK-ios.git",
13     "tag": ""
14   },
15   "platforms": {
16     "ios": null
17   },
18   "source_files": [
19     "adlibrTestUniversal/*.{h,m}",
20     "adlibrTestUniversal/adlibrTestUniversal/ads/adlib.mocoplex/**/*.{h,m}"
21   ],
22   "exclude_files": [
23     "adlibrTestUniversal/adlibrTestUniversal/ads/lib/JSONKit",
24     "adlibrTestUniversal/adlibrTestUniversal/ads/adlib.mocoplex/SubAdView/SubAdlibAdViewTAD.*"
25   ],
26   "public_header_files": [
27     "adlibrTestUniversal/*.h",
28     "adlibrTestUniversal/adlibrTestUniversal/ads/adlib.mocoplex/**/*.h"
29   ],
30   "preserve_paths": "adlibrTestUniversal/adlibrTestUniversal/ads/lib/libAdlibr.3.2.1.a",
31   "frameworks": "iAd",
32   "libraries": "Adlibr.3.2.1",
33   "xcconfig": {
34     "LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS": "$(PODS_ROOT)/adlibr/adlibrTestUniversal/adlibrTestUniversal/ads/lib"
35   },
36   "dependencies": {
37     "JSONKit": [
39     ],
40     "AdMob": [
42     ],
43     "AdPostSDK": [
45     ],
46     "AdamSDK": [
48     ],
49     "CaulySDK": [
51     ],
52     "InMobiSDK": [
54     ],
55     "ShallWeAdSDK": [
57     ]
58   },
59   "requires_arc": false