2 "name": "SRSwiftyPopView",
4 "summary": "The Swifty counterpart of SRPopView - a simple yet powerfull popover option that takes care of showing options and searching when nessasary.",
5 "description": "SRSwiftyPopView is the swifty counter part of the immensely handy popover SRPopView is a small and simple yet powerfull drag and drop complete solution for showing popview for lists and dropdown solution for iOS SRpopview supports both Portrait and Landscape orientation",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/SahebRoy92/SRPopView",
12 "sahebroy92": "theioscracker@gmail.com"
15 "git": "https://github.com/SahebRoy92/SRPopView.git",
21 "swift_version": "4.1",
22 "source_files": "SRSwiftyPopView/Classes/**/*"