[Add] com-qqsdk-control-Tools 1.2.1
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 7 / b / a / SDWebImageHEIFCoder / 0.2.1 / SDWebImageHEIFCoder.podspec.json
2   "name": "SDWebImageHEIFCoder",
3   "version": "0.2.1",
4   "summary": "A SDWebImage coder plugin to support HEIF image",
5   "description": "This is a SDWebImage coder plugin to add High Efficiency Image File Format (HEIF) support.\nWhich is built based on the open-sourced libheif codec.",
6   "homepage": "https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImageHEIFCoder",
7   "license": {
8     "type": "MIT",
9     "file": "LICENSE"
10   },
11   "authors": {
12     "DreamPiggy": "lizhuoli1126@126.com"
13   },
14   "source": {
15     "git": "https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImageHEIFCoder.git",
16     "tag": "0.2.1",
17     "submodules": true
18   },
19   "platforms": {
20     "osx": "10.10",
21     "ios": "8.0",
22     "tvos": "9.0",
23     "watchos": "2.0"
24   },
25   "module_map": "SDWebImageHEIFCoder/Module/SDWebImageHEIFCoder.modulemap",
26   "default_subspecs": [
27     "libheif",
28     "libde265"
29   ],
30   "dependencies": {
31     "SDWebImage/Core": [
32       ">= 5.0.0-beta3"
33     ]
34   },
35   "subspecs": [
36     {
37       "name": "libheif",
38       "source_files": [
39         "Vendors/libheif/libheif/*.{h,c,cc}",
40         "Vendors/include/libheif/*.h",
41         "SDWebImageHEIFCoder/Classes/**/*",
42         "SDWebImageHEIFCoder/Module/SDWebImageHEIFCoder.h"
43       ],
44       "exclude_files": [
45         "Vendors/libheif/libheif/*fuzzer.{h,c,cc}",
46         "Vendors/libheif/libheif/heif.h",
47         "Vendors/libheif/libheif/heif_decoder_libde265.{h,c,cc}",
48         "Vendors/libheif/libheif/heif_encoder_x265.{h,c,cc}"
49       ],
50       "public_header_files": [
51         "Vendors/include/libheif/*.h",
52         "SDWebImageHEIFCoder/Classes/**/*.h",
53         "SDWebImageHEIFCoder/Module/SDWebImageHEIFCoder.h"
54       ],
55       "preserve_paths": "Vendors/include",
56       "xcconfig": {
57         "GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS": "$(inherited) HAVE_UNISTD_H=1",
58         "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS": "$(inherited) ${PODS_ROOT}/SDWebImageHEIFCoder/Vendors/include ${PODS_ROOT}/SDWebImageHEIFCoder/Vendors/include/libx265 ${PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT}/Vendors/include ${PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT}/Vendors/include/libx265"
59       },
60       "libraries": "c++"
61     },
62     {
63       "name": "libde265",
64       "dependencies": {
65         "SDWebImageHEIFCoder/libheif": [
67         ]
68       },
69       "source_files": [
70         "Vendors/include/libde265/*.{h}",
71         "Vendors/libheif/libheif/heif_decoder_libde265.{h,c,cc}"
72       ],
73       "public_header_files": "Vendors/include/libde265/*.{h}",
74       "osx": {
75         "vendored_libraries": "Vendors/libde265/macOS/libde265.a"
76       },
77       "ios": {
78         "vendored_libraries": "Vendors/libde265/iOS/libde265.a"
79       },
80       "tvos": {
81         "vendored_libraries": "Vendors/libde265/tvOS/libde265.a"
82       },
83       "watchos": {
84         "vendored_libraries": "Vendors/libde265/watchOS/libde265.a"
85       },
86       "preserve_paths": "Vendors/include",
87       "xcconfig": {
88         "GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS": "$(inherited) HAVE_LIBDE265=1",
89         "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS": "$(inherited) ${PODS_ROOT}/SDWebImageHEIFCoder/Vendors/include"
90       }
91     },
92     {
93       "name": "libx265",
94       "dependencies": {
95         "SDWebImageHEIFCoder/libheif": [
97         ]
98       },
99       "source_files": [
100         "Vendors/include/libx265/*.{h}",
101         "Vendors/libheif/libheif/heif_encoder_x265.{h,c,cc}"
102       ],
103       "public_header_files": "Vendors/include/libx265/*.{h}",
104       "osx": {
105         "vendored_libraries": "Vendors/libx265/macOS/libx265.a"
106       },
107       "ios": {
108         "vendored_libraries": "Vendors/libx265/iOS/libx265.a"
109       },
110       "tvos": {
111         "vendored_libraries": "Vendors/libx265/tvOS/libx265.a"
112       },
113       "watchos": {
114         "vendored_libraries": "Vendors/libx265/watchOS/libx265.a"
115       },
116       "preserve_paths": "Vendors/include",
117       "xcconfig": {
118         "GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS": "$(inherited) HAVE_X265=1",
119         "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS": "$(inherited) ${PODS_ROOT}/SDWebImageHEIFCoder/Vendors/include"
120       }
121     }
122   ]