2 "name": "YouEyeTracker",
4 "summary": "A library through which a user can subscribe to receive 3D real-world-space eye-tracking position callbacks.",
5 "description": "YouEyeTracker is a library through which a user can subscribe to receive 3D real-world-space eye-tracking position callbacks relative to the position of the device's front-facing camera.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/MREdigital/YouEyeTracker",
8 "type": "Mozilla Public License Version 2.0",
11 "authors": "Eric Reedy",
13 "git": "https://github.com/MREdigital/YouEyeTracker.git",
18 "YouEyeTracker/**/*.{h,m,swift}"
20 "exclude_files": "YouEyeTracker/Exclude",
22 "swift_versions": "5.0",
26 "swift_version": "5.0"