[Add] com-qqsdk-control-Tools 1.2.1
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 9 / e / a / Aletheia / 1.0.9 / Aletheia.podspec.json
2   "name": "Aletheia",
3   "version": "1.0.9",
4   "summary": "A bunch of helper code for swift projcect include network, log, and cache layer.",
5   "description": "Helper function is always useful for any project, such as frame size, string, date convertion.\n\nThis framework is used for my porject for quick and safy develope. My goal of this project will includes network,\n\ncache, log and some basic UI component.",
6   "homepage": "https://github.com/5SMNOONMS5/Aletheia",
7   "license": {
8     "type": "MIT",
9     "file": "LICENSE"
10   },
11   "authors": {
12     "chen stephen": "tasb00429@gmail.com"
13   },
14   "source": {
15     "git": "https://github.com/5SMNOONMS5/Aletheia.git",
16     "tag": "1.0.9"
17   },
18   "platforms": {
19     "ios": "10.0"
20   },
21   "cocoapods_version": ">= 1.4.0",
22   "default_subspecs": "Core",
23   "swift_versions": "4.2",
24   "subspecs": [
25     {
26       "name": "Core",
27       "source_files": [
28         "Aletheia/Sources/General",
29         "Aletheia/Sources/Extensions",
30         "Aletheia/Sources/ExtensionsUI"
31       ],
32       "dependencies": {
33         "Log": [
35         ]
36       },
37       "frameworks": "Foundation"
38     },
39     {
40       "name": "Network",
41       "source_files": "Aletheia/Sources/Networking",
42       "dependencies": {
43         "Aletheia/Core": [
45         ],
46         "Alamofire": [
47           "4.8.0"
48         ],
49         "Kingfisher": [
50           "4.10.0"
51         ]
52       }
53     }
54   ],
55   "swift_version": "4.2"