2 "name": "AECollapsableCollectionView",
4 "summary": "a collapsable UICollectionView work with section header.",
5 "description": "This library is inspired by the anther similar project APLExpandableCollectionView. That shortcoming of that project is that it need comsumer to prepare extra collection cell as the clickable header to tigger the collapse or expand action. As a result, the developer have to take more effort to deal with the stuffs besides their core business logic.\n\nAECollapsableCollectionView defined the toggle method for a spefic section, so that the developers can trigger the toggle action conventiently. The section can be expanded by tapping the button in the header view. You can check detail in the sample project.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/canicelebrate/AECollapsableCollectionView",
12 "William Wang": "canicelebrate@gmail.com"
18 "git": "https://github.com/canicelebrate/AECollapsableCollectionView.git",
25 "exclude_files": "Classes/Exclude"