[Add] com-qqsdk-control-Tools 1.2.1
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / b / 0 / 5 / Nippur / 1.0.3 / Nippur.podspec.json
2   "name": "Nippur",
3   "version": "1.0.3",
4   "summary": "Nippur is a framework for daily work. To make it easier and reliable.",
5   "description": "                       Nippur was forged on several years of daily work, reusing the most common and most complexes part of the code.\n                       It is separated in parts (similar to packages) that allows you to import only the necessary code to your project.\n",
6   "homepage": "http://db-in.com/nippur/",
7   "documentation_url": "http://db-in.com/nippur/docs/",
8   "screenshots": [
9     "http://db-in.com/nippur/images/press1.png"
10   ],
11   "license": "MIT",
12   "authors": {
13     "Diney Bomfim": "diney@db-in.com"
14   },
15   "source": {
16     "git": "https://github.com/dineybomfim/Nippur.git",
17     "tag": "1.0.3",
18     "submodules": true
19   },
20   "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/dineybomfim",
21   "requires_arc": false,
22   "platforms": {
23     "ios": "6.0"
24   },
25   "subspecs": [
26     {
27       "name": "Core",
28       "public_header_files": "Nippur/Source/Core/*.h",
29       "source_files": "Nippur/Source/Core/*.{h,m}",
30       "ios": {
31         "frameworks": [
32           "Foundation",
33           "CoreGraphics",
34           "QuartzCore"
35         ]
36       }
37     },
38     {
39       "name": "Animation",
40       "dependencies": {
41         "Nippur/Core": [
43         ]
44       },
45       "public_header_files": "Nippur/Source/Animation/*.h",
46       "private_header_files": "Nippur/Source/Animation/NPPAction?*.h",
47       "source_files": "Nippur/Source/Animation/*.{h,m}"
48     },
49     {
50       "name": "Interface",
51       "dependencies": {
52         "Nippur/Core": [
54         ],
55         "Nippur/Animation": [
57         ]
58       },
59       "public_header_files": "Nippur/Source/Interface/*.h",
60       "source_files": "Nippur/Source/Interface/*.{h,m}",
61       "ios": {
62         "frameworks": "UIKit"
63       },
64       "resource_bundles": {
65         "Nippur": [
66           "Nippur/Resource/Nippur.bundle"
67         ]
68       }
69     },
70     {
71       "name": "Geolocation",
72       "dependencies": {
73         "Nippur/Core": [
75         ]
76       },
77       "public_header_files": "Nippur/Source/Geolocation/*.h",
78       "source_files": "Nippur/Source/Geolocation/*.{h,m}",
79       "ios": {
80         "frameworks": "CoreLocation"
81       }
82     },
83     {
84       "name": "Media",
85       "dependencies": {
86         "Nippur/Core": [
88         ]
89       },
90       "public_header_files": "Nippur/Source/Media/*.h",
91       "source_files": "Nippur/Source/Media/*.{h,m}",
92       "ios": {
93         "frameworks": [
94           "AudioToolbox",
95           "AVFoundation",
96           "CoreMedia",
97           "CoreVideo"
98         ]
99       }
100     }
101   ]