[Add] com-qqsdk-control-Tools 1.2.1
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / b / c / 9 / BackandParseFacebookUtilsV4 / 0.1.0 / BackandParseFacebookUtilsV4.podspec.json
2   "name": "BackandParseFacebookUtilsV4",
3   "version": "0.1.0",
4   "license": {
5     "type": "Commercial",
6     "text": "See https://www.parse.com/about/terms"
7   },
8   "homepage": "https://www.backand.com/",
9   "summary": "Identical to ParseFacebookUtilsV4 but using Backand which is a Parse SDK adapted to Backand.com.",
10   "description": "BackandParseFacebookUtilsV4 is using Backand which is a Parse SDK adapted to Backand.com. In every other way, this is identical to ParseFacebookUtilsV4.",
11   "authors": "Parse",
12   "source": {
13     "git": "https://github.com/Juddster/BackandParseFacebookUtils-iOS.git",
14     "tag": "0.1.0"
15   },
16   "platforms": {
17     "ios": "7.0",
18     "tvos": "9.0"
19   },
20   "requires_arc": true,
21   "public_header_files": "ParseFacebookUtils/*.h",
22   "source_files": "ParseFacebookUtils/**/*.{h,m}",
23   "ios": {
24     "exclude_files": "ParseFacebookUtils/Internal/AuthenticationProvider/tvOS/**/*.{h,m}",
25     "weak_frameworks": [
26       "Accounts",
27       "Social"
28     ],
29     "dependencies": {
30       "FBSDKLoginKit": [
31         "~> 4.10"
32       ]
33     }
34   },
35   "tvos": {
36     "exclude_files": "ParseFacebookUtils/Internal/AuthenticationProvider/iOS/**/*.{h,m}",
37     "dependencies": {
38       "FBSDKTVOSKit": [
39         "~> 4.10"
40       ]
41     }
42   },
43   "frameworks": [
44     "AudioToolbox",
45     "CFNetwork",
46     "CoreGraphics",
47     "CoreLocation",
48     "QuartzCore",
49     "Security",
50     "SystemConfiguration"
51   ],
52   "libraries": [
53     "z",
54     "sqlite3"
55   ],
56   "dependencies": {
57     "Bolts/Tasks": [
58       ">= 1.6"
59     ],
60     "Backand": [
61       ">= 0.1.1"
62     ],
63     "FBSDKCoreKit": [
64       "~> 4.10"
65     ]
66   }