2 "name": "LYJArchiveModel",
4 "summary": "应用于模型快速归档转化为NSData类型",
5 "description": "1: 创建一个继承LYJArchiveModel的类UserModel,UserModel放入我们的使用的属性(支持的格式NSString, NSInteger, double, NSDictionary, NSArray, NSMutableDictionary, NSMutableArray, CGFloat, NSData, 继承LYJArchiveModel的类 , UIImage)\n2: 在 UserModel 创建你自己使用到的属性\n 例如:\n #import \"ArciveModel.h\"\n\n @class SubUserModel , UIImage;\n @interface UserModel : ArciveModel\n\n @property (nonatomic , copy) NSString *name;\n @property (nonatomic , assign) BOOL isFirstLogin;\n @property (nonatomic , assign) NSInteger age;\n @property (nonatomic , assign) double height;\n @property (nonatomic , strong) NSDictionary *dic;\n @property (nonatomic , strong) NSArray *arr;\n @property (nonatomic , strong) SubUserModel *subUserModel; // 继承LYJArchiveModel的子类\n @property (nonatomic , strong) UIImage *userImage;\n @end\n3: 使用方法\n 引入头文件: #import <LYJArchiveModel/LYJArchiveModel-umbrella.h>\n\n UserModel *model = [UserModel new];\n model.name = @\"你好\";\n model.isFirstLogin = YES;\n model.age = 18;\n model.height = 181.5;\n model.dic = @{@\"1\" : @\"2\"};\n model.arr = @[@\"4\" , @\"5\"];\n model.userImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@\"123\"];\n model.subUserModel = [SubUserModel new];\n model.subUserModel.name = @\"你浪开\";\n model.subUserModel.age = 20;\n model.subUserModel.isFirstLogin = YES;\n model.subUserModel.height = 170.1;\n\n // 如果归档时间较长,这里开启加载动画\n if ([UserModel archive:model keyName:@\"li\"]) { // 这里开始归档并存储到本地,如果存储成功继续往下执行,这里\n\n model = nil; // 这里置空,为了演示使用\n // 储存完成后\n // 这里关闭加载动画\n }\n\n NSLog(@\"Model name is %@\" , model.name);\n\n UserModel *newModel = [UserModel unarchiveWithKeyName:@\"li\"]; // 取出本地存储的数据,并进行解档\n if (newModel.isFirstLogin) {\n\n NSLog(@\"model.name is %@\" , newModel.name);\n NSLog(@\"%ld\", newModel.age);\n NSLog(@\"%.2f\" , newModel.height);\n NSLog(@\"dic is %@\" , newModel.dic);\n self.photoImageView.image = newModel.userImage;\n\n if (newModel.subUserModel.isFirstLogin) {\n\n NSLog(@\"Info of subUserModel is %@ , %ld , %.2f\" , newModel.subUserModel.name , newModel.subUserModel.age , newModel.subUserModel.height);\n }\n\n输出结果:\n Model name is (null)\n model.name is 你好\n 18\n 181.50\n dic is {\n1 = 2;\n}\nInfo of subUserModel is 你浪开 , 20 , 170.10",
6 "homepage": "https://git.oschina.net/6253175234/LYJArchiveModel",
12 "li625317534": "625317534@qq.com"
15 "git": "https://git.oschina.net/6253175234/LYJArchiveModel.git",
21 "source_files": "LYJArchiveModel/Classes/**/*"