2 "name": "SpektraCheckoutSDK",
4 "summary": "Spektra Checkout SDK",
5 "description": "Spektra Checkout SDK for ios built in Swift 5. Register as a Spektra Merchant and easily implement Specktra checkout to handle mobile payments.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/haron-spektra/spektra-checkout-ios.git",
9 "text": "The MIT License (MIT) \n Copyright (c) Spektra Inc <admin@spektra.co> \n Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files"
12 "Spektra Inc": "admin@spektra.co"
18 "vendored_frameworks": "SpektraCheckoutSDK.framework"
21 "http": "https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/spektrafiles/SP-SDK-1-e51069b5-36fa-40e6-a75c-076b768d324b.zip"
23 "exclude_files": "Classes/Exclude"