4 "summary": "In Memory LRU Cache for iOS.",
5 "description": "\n# NMLRUCache [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/Nirma/NMLRUCache.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/Nirma/NMLRUCache)\n\n In Memory LRU Cache Implementation for iOS and OS X.\n\n## Requirements\n - iOS 5.0+\n - ARC\n\n## Features\n - Threadsafe and optimized for use with Grand Central Dispatch.\n - Completely In Memory Cache that deletes least recently used elements.\n\n## Installation\n### Using CocoaPods\n - If you are using CocoaPods Add __pod 'NMLRUCache'__ to the Podfile in your project's root and run ```pod install``` \n\n### Copy & Paste Method\n - Copy the folder `NMLRUCache/` containing the files NMLRUCache.h/m and NMLRUImageCache.h/m into your project.\n\n## Usage\n\n### Initialization:\n### Creating an LRU Image Cache singleton:\n ```\n NMLRUCache *imageCache = [NMLRUCache sharedCache];\n ```\n\n### Changing Shared Cache Size i.e to 20 elements\n ```\n [NMLRUCache sharedCache].threshHold = 20;\n\t ```\n\n### Storing an image in the Cache:\n\n\t ```\n\t [imageCache setImage:image forKey:@\"imageKey\"];\n\t ```\n\n#### Fetching Image from Cache\n\n\t ```\n\t [imageCache imageForKey:@\"imageKey\"];\n\t\t ```\n\n\n",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/nirma/NMLRUCache",
9 "Nicholas Maccharoli": "nmaccharoli@gmail.com"
12 "git": "https://github.com/nirma/NMLRUCache.git",
19 "source_files": "NMLRUCache",
20 "frameworks": "UIKit",