[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 7 / d / 9 / UnviredCordovaSDK / 3.0.172 / UnviredCordovaSDK.podspec.json
2   "name": "UnviredCordovaSDK",
3   "version": "3.0.172",
4   "summary": "Unvired SDK for Cordova - Develop Mobile Apps via the Unvired Mobile Platform.",
5   "description": "The Unvired Cordova SDK enables developers to build Cordova based mobile applications connecting\nto SAP, Oracle, Sharepoint etc.",
6   "homepage": "http://unvired.com",
7   "authors": {
8     "Unvired Inc": "support@unvired.com"
9   },
10   "source": {
11     "http": "https://repo.unvired.io/ios/Unvired_Kernel_iOS_HTML5_Cocoapods-R-3.000.0172.zip"
12   },
13   "dependencies": {
14     "UnviredSDK": [
15       "3.1.109"
16     ],
17     "Cordova": [
18       "4.5.4"
19     ]
20   },
21   "platforms": {
22     "ios": "7.0"
23   },
24   "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/unvired",
25   "requires_arc": true,
26   "source_files": "Headers/*.h",
27   "public_header_files": "Headers/*.h",
28   "preserve_paths": "libUnviredCordovaSDK.a",
29   "vendored_libraries": "libUnviredCordovaSDK.a",
30   "frameworks": [
31     "QuickLook",
32     "AudioToolbox",
33     "LocalAuthentication",
34     "AVFoundation",
35     "QuartzCore",
36     "SystemConfiguration",
37     "MapKit",
38     "AddressBook",
39     "AddressBookUI",
40     "MessageUI",
41     "Security",
42     "UIKit",
43     "CoreGraphics",
44     "Foundation",
45     "SystemConfiguration",
46     "MobileCoreServices",
47     "CoreLocation"
48   ],
49   "libraries": [
50     "z",
51     "sqlite3.0"
52   ],
53   "xcconfig": {
54     "LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS": "\"$(PODS_ROOT)/UnviredCordovaSDK\"",
55     "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS": "\"${PODS_ROOT}/Headers/UnviredCordovaSDK\""
56   },
57   "license": {
58     "type": "Commercial",
59     "text": "    \n      Copyright 2017 Unvired, Inc. All rights reserved.\n      License: http://unvired.com/resources/sdk-license\n      \n"
60   }