[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / a / 5 / 9 / Mapbox-iOS-SDK / 1.6.1 / Mapbox-iOS-SDK.podspec.json
2   "name": "Mapbox-iOS-SDK",
3   "version": "1.6.1",
4   "summary": "An open source toolset for building mapping applications for iOS devices.",
5   "description": "An open source toolset for building mapping applications for iOS devices with great flexibility for visual styling, offline use, and customizability.",
6   "homepage": "https://mapbox.com/mapbox-ios-sdk",
7   "license": "BSD",
8   "authors": {
9     "Mapbox": "mobile@mapbox.com"
10   },
11   "screenshots": "https://raw.github.com/mapbox/mapbox-ios-sdk/packaging/screenshot.png",
12   "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/Mapbox",
13   "source": {
14     "git": "https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-ios-sdk.git",
15     "tag": "1.6.1"
16   },
17   "platforms": {
18     "ios": "5.0"
19   },
20   "requires_arc": true,
21   "module_name": "Mapbox_iOS_SDK",
22   "source_files": [
23     "Proj4/proj_api.h",
24     "MapView/Map/*.{h,c,m}"
25   ],
26   "prefix_header_file": "MapView/MapView_Prefix.pch",
27   "public_header_files": [
28     "MapView/Map/Mapbox.h",
29     "MapView/Map/RMAnnotation.h",
30     "MapView/Map/RMCacheObject.h",
31     "MapView/Map/RMCircle.h",
32     "MapView/Map/RMCircleAnnotation.h",
33     "MapView/Map/RMCompositeSource.h",
34     "MapView/Map/RMConfiguration.h",
35     "MapView/Map/RMCoordinateGridSource.h",
36     "MapView/Map/RMDatabaseCache.h",
37     "MapView/Map/RMGreatCircleAnnotation.h",
38     "MapView/Map/RMInteractiveSource.h",
39     "MapView/Map/RMMBTilesSource.h",
40     "MapView/Map/RMMapboxSource.h",
41     "MapView/Map/RMMapView.h",
42     "MapView/Map/RMMapViewDelegate.h",
43     "MapView/Map/RMMarker.h",
44     "MapView/Map/RMMemoryCache.h",
45     "MapView/Map/RMPointAnnotation.h",
46     "MapView/Map/RMPolygonAnnotation.h",
47     "MapView/Map/RMPolylineAnnotation.h",
48     "MapView/Map/RMShape.h",
49     "MapView/Map/RMStaticMapView.h",
50     "MapView/Map/RMTileCache.h",
51     "MapView/Map/RMTileMillSource.h",
52     "MapView/Map/RMUserLocation.h",
53     "MapView/Map/RMUserTrackingBarButtonItem.h"
54   ],
55   "resource_bundles": {
56     "Mapbox": "MapView/Map/Resources/*"
57   },
58   "documentation_url": "https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-ios-sdk",
59   "frameworks": [
60     "CoreGraphics",
61     "CoreLocation",
62     "Foundation",
63     "QuartzCore",
64     "UIKit"
65   ],
66   "libraries": [
67     "Proj4",
68     "sqlite3",
69     "z"
70   ],
71   "xcconfig": {
72     "OTHER_LDFLAGS": "-ObjC",
73     "LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS": "\"${PODS_ROOT}/Mapbox-iOS-SDK/Proj4\""
74   },
75   "preserve_paths": [
76     "MapView/MapView.xcodeproj",
77     "MapView/Map/Resources"
78   ],
79   "vendored_libraries": "Proj4/libProj4.a",
80   "dependencies": {
81     "FMDB": [
82       "2.3"
83     ],
84     "GRMustache": [
85       "7.3.0"
86     ],
87     "SMCalloutView": [
88       "2.0"
89     ]
90   }