4 "summary": "MDKControl is the independant control library for Movalys MDK",
5 "description": "MDKControl gives you a base of controls to use in you application.\n The controls are designed to be used with Movalys MDK, but they are\n fully independant and can be used in any iOS application develoment.",
6 "homepage": "http://www.movalys.org",
9 "file": "LGPLv3-LICENSE.txt"
11 "authors": "Sopra Steria Group",
13 "git": "https://github.com/MovalysMDK/mdk-ios-control.git",
16 "source_files": "MDKControl/**/*.{h,m}",
18 "frameworks": "UIKit",
20 "IQKeyboardManager": [
29 "MDKControl/resources/images/**/*.png",
30 "MDKControl/resources/storyboard/**/*.storyboard",
31 "MDKControl/resources/strings/**/*.strings",
32 "MDKControl/resources/xib/**/*.xib",
33 "MDKControl/resources/config/**/*.plist",