4 "summary": "ShapeKit is a iOS/OSX library that offers an Objective-C interface to the powerful GEOS library.",
5 "description": "ShapeKit includes all the OpenGIS Simple Features for SQL spatial predicate functions and spatial operators, as well as specific JTS enhanced topology functions.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/andreacremaschi/ShapeKit",
8 "type": "GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1",
12 "Michael Weismann": "mweisman@gmail.com",
13 "Andrea Cremaschi": "Andrea.Cremaschi@midainformatica.it"
16 "git": "https://github.com/andreacremaschi/ShapeKit.git",
24 "ShapeKit/*.{m,mm,h}",
28 "public_header_files": "ShapeKit/*.h",
37 "frameworks": "CoreLocation",
39 "OTHER_LDFLAGS": "-ObjC -lstdc++",
40 "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS": "${PODS_ROOT}/geos/include ${PODS_ROOT}/geos/capi",
41 "CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY": "libstdc++"