4 "summary": "A boilerplate for Swift 3+ projects using CleanSwift and VIP architecture",
5 "description": "A clean boilerplate for Swift 3+ projects using CleanSwift and VIP architecture.\nThere are some useful structs handling view-models for generic collection view, table view and picker view.\nIn addition, you can find some extensions for CGPoint, UICollectionView, UITableView, UIView, UIColor and String.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/zebutech/cleankit-swift",
12 "Ludovic Riviere": "ludovic@zebutech.io"
15 "git": "https://github.com/zebutech/cleankit-swift.git",
21 "source_files": "CleanKit/Classes/**/*",
22 "pushed_with_swift_version": "3.0"