2 "name": "DTTestingDev",
4 "summary": "Records screen, camera, touches and uploads to uxtesting.io. Useful for research, video bug reports.",
5 "description": "UXTesting is a tool and library for user experience testing that you can integrate into your app.\n\nUXTesting records the iOS screen, the front-facing camera, microphone, metadata, touches and active views, and uploads it all in near-realtime to uxtesting.io where you can study and dive into the data.",
6 "homepage": "http://uxtesting.io/",
10 "preserve_paths": "uxtesting/HD/UXTesting.framework",
11 "source_files": "uxtesting/HD/UXTesting.framework/Headers/*.h",
13 "FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS": "\"$(PODS_ROOT)/DTTestingDev/uxtesting/HD/\""
17 "text": "All text and design is copyright © 2015 UXTesting. All rights reserved. Terms of use as defined at http://uxtesting.io applies."
20 "David Tseng": "david@uxtesting.io"
22 "social_media_url": "http://www.facebook.com/UXTesting.io",
27 "http": "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uxtesting2/sdk/ios/1.0.25/Cocoapods/uxtesting1025a.zip"
31 "uxtesting/HD/UXTesting.framework/*.{png,storyboard,storyboardc}"