2 "name": "SVHTTPRequest",
5 "summary": "Simple REST client for iOS and Mac.",
6 "homepage": "http://samvermette.com/310",
8 "Sam Vermette": "hello@samvermette.com"
11 "git": "https://github.com/samvermette/SVHTTPRequest.git",
14 "description": "SVHTTPRequest is a simple and extremely straightforward way to communicate with RESTful web APIs for iOS and Mac. It’s a simpler and cleaner alternative to bulky ASIHTTPRequest, AFNetworking and RESTKit. It is blocked-based, uses NSURLConnection, ARC, as well as NSJSONSerialization to automatically parse JSON responses (making it only compatible with iOS 5 and Mac OS X Lion).",
15 "source_files": "SVHTTPRequest/*.{h,m}",
16 "preserve_paths": "Demo",