2 "name": "SMScrollView",
4 "summary": "SMScrollView is a subclass of UIScrollView with extended functionality",
5 "description": " - SMScrollView maintains the position of its zooming view returned by its `delegate`'s `viewForZoomingInScrollView:` in the center of its own boundaries.\n ![center-zooming-view](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/97896/5738192/29249ba2-9bf2-11e4-81ea-c7ed2ea58833.png)\n - SMScrollView has double-tap gesture to zoom in and out its zooming view. Specifically, when its `zoomScale == minimumZoomScale`, it zooms-in the view to the tapped point and to the scale defined by by the `maximumZoomScale`. Otherwise, when `zoomScale > minimumZoomScale`, it zooms-out to a scale defined by the `minimumZoomScale`. The double-tap gesture is available through the `doubleTapGestureRecognizer` property to disable or adjust the gesture behaviour.\n ![double-tap-to-zoom](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/97896/5738194/2929502a-9bf2-11e4-86a4-06367f28befd.png)\n - When SMScrollView's bounds are changed, for example due to a change in an interface orientation, then:\n 1. If its `fitOnSizeChange == YES`, then its content is rescaled to fit its new size, up to the scale of 1.0, such that content is never stretched.\n ![fit-on-size-change](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/97896/5738193/2929067e-9bf2-11e4-895e-1f7c4798f64b.png)\n 2. If `fitOnSizeChange == NO`, then the content point that was displayed in the center of its bounds before the size change, is kept in center after the size change. However, if `stickToBounds` property was set to `YES` and the scroll-view was scrolled to one of its boundaries before the size change, then it is kept at these boundaries instead of keeping the center point in center.\n ![maintain-center-point](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/97896/5738195/292994cc-9bf2-11e4-9e82-6509be403bdb.png)\n",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/smnh/SMScrollView",
8 "https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/97896/5738192/29249ba2-9bf2-11e4-81ea-c7ed2ea58833.png",
9 "https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/97896/5738194/2929502a-9bf2-11e4-86a4-06367f28befd.png",
10 "https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/97896/5738193/2929067e-9bf2-11e4-895e-1f7c4798f64b.png",
11 "https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/97896/5738195/292994cc-9bf2-11e4-9e82-6509be403bdb.png"
15 "Simon Hanukaev": "semenh@gmail.com"
18 "git": "https://github.com/smnh/SMScrollView.git",
25 "source_files": "Pod/Classes",