[Add] TiendeoCore 0.0.3-beta1
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / f / c / 3 / MyScriptInteractiveInk-Runtime / 1.3.1 / MyScriptInteractiveInk-Runtime.podspec.json
2   "name": "MyScriptInteractiveInk-Runtime",
3   "version": "1.3.1",
4   "summary": "MyScript Interactive Ink SDK runtime libraries for iOS.",
5   "description": "Interactive Ink extends digital ink to allow users to more intuitively create, interact with, and share content in digital form.\nHandwritten text, mathematical equations or even diagrams are interpreted in real-time to be editable via simple gestures, responsive and easy to convert to a neat output.\nThis pod speeds up the integration of those riche features into your application.\nVisit https://developer.myscript.com/ to create your MyScript Developer account and start using the library.",
6   "homepage": "https://developer.myscript.com/",
7   "license": {
8     "type": "Commercial",
9     "file": "LICENSE.txt"
10   },
11   "authors": {
12     "MyScript": "packages@myscript.com"
13   },
14   "platforms": {
15     "ios": "9.1"
16   },
17   "swift_version": "3.2",
18   "source": {
19     "http": "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/iink/runtime/1.3.0/MyScriptInteractiveInk-Runtime-iOS-1.3.1.zip",
20     "sha1": "fedccbf72940a0a16127a755aeb925f918a5df4f"
21   },
22   "source_files": [
23     "include/iink/**/*.h",
24     "swift/*.swift"
25   ],
26   "public_header_files": "include/iink/**/*.h",
27   "header_mappings_dir": "include",
28   "preserve_paths": [
29     "libMyScript2D.a",
30     "libMyScriptAnalyzer.a",
31     "libMyScriptDocument.a",
32     "libMyScriptGesture.a",
33     "libMyScriptInk.a",
34     "libMyScriptMath.a",
35     "libMyScriptPrediction.a",
36     "libMyScriptShape.a",
37     "libMyScriptText.a",
38     "libiink.a",
39     "libMyScriptEngine.a"
40   ],
41   "frameworks": [
42     "Foundation",
43     "Security",
44     "SystemConfiguration"
45   ],
46   "libraries": "c++",
47   "vendored_libraries": [
48     "libMyScript2D.a",
49     "libMyScriptAnalyzer.a",
50     "libMyScriptDocument.a",
51     "libMyScriptGesture.a",
52     "libMyScriptInk.a",
53     "libMyScriptMath.a",
54     "libMyScriptPrediction.a",
55     "libMyScriptShape.a",
56     "libMyScriptText.a",
57     "libMyScriptEngine.a",
58     "libiink.a"
59   ],
60   "xcconfig": {
61     "LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS": "$(inherited) \"$(PODS_ROOT)/MyScriptInteractiveInk-Runtime/\"",
62     "OTHER_LDFLAGS": "$(inherited) -Wl,-u,_MyScript2D -Wl,-u,_MyScriptAnalyzer -Wl,-u,_MyScriptDocument -Wl,-u,_MyScriptGesture -Wl,-u,_MyScriptInk -Wl,-u,_MyScriptMath -Wl,-u,_MyScriptPrediction -Wl,-u,_MyScriptShape -Wl,-u,_MyScriptText -Wl,-u,_MyScriptEngine",
64   }