[Add] BideaseConnect 1.0.79
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / d / b / 7 / DCModuleLibs / 1.2.5 / DCModuleLibs.podspec.json
2   "name": "DCModuleLibs",
3   "version": "1.2.5",
4   "summary": "业务模块。",
5   "description": "TODO: Add long description of the pod here.",
6   "homepage": "http://gitlab.wuu.space:30000/Lee/dcmodulelibs",
7   "license": {
8     "type": "MIT",
9     "file": "LICENSE"
10   },
11   "authors": {
12     "0027014725": "0027014725@iwhalecloud.com"
13   },
14   "source": {
15     "git": "http://gitlab.wuu.space:30000/Lee/dcmodulelibs.git",
16     "tag": "1.2.5"
17   },
18   "platforms": {
19     "ios": "10.0"
20   },
21   "subspecs": [
22     {
23       "name": "DCLoginModuleLib",
24       "source_files": "DCModuleLibs/Classes/DCLoginModuleLib/**/*",
25       "resources": [
26         "DCModuleLibs/Assets/DCLogin/*"
27       ],
28       "dependencies": {
29         "AFNetworking": [
31         ],
32         "DCBaseKitLib": [
34         ],
35         "DCUIKitLib": [
37         ],
38         "Masonry": [
39           "~> 1.1.0"
40         ]
41       }
42     },
43     {
44       "name": "DCTelecomBusinessModuleLib",
45       "source_files": "DCModuleLibs/Classes/DCTelecomBusinessModuleLib/**/*",
46       "resources": [
47         "DCModuleLibs/Assets/DCTeleBusinsee/*"
48       ],
49       "dependencies": {
50         "AFNetworking": [
52         ],
53         "YYCategories": [
55         ],
56         "MJRefresh": [
58         ],
59         "Masonry": [
60           "~> 1.1.0"
61         ],
62         "SDWebImage": [
64         ],
65         "DCBaseKitLib": [
67         ],
68         "DCUIKitLib": [
70         ]
71       }
72     },
73     {
74       "name": "DCPageBuilding",
75       "source_files": "DCModuleLibs/Classes/DCPageBuilding/**/*",
76       "resources": [
77         "DCModuleLibs/Assets/PB/*"
78       ],
79       "dependencies": {
80         "AFNetworking": [
82         ],
83         "Masonry": [
84           "~> 1.1.0"
85         ],
86         "SDWebImage": [
88         ],
89         "YYModel": [
91         ],
92         "MJRefresh": [
94         ],
95         "MJExtension": [
97         ],
98         "DCBaseKitLib/DCAFNetWorkingManagerLib": [
100         ],
101         "DCBaseKitLib/DCMBProgressHUDLib": [
103         ]
104       }
105     },
106     {
107       "name": "Nudges",
108       "source_files": "DCModuleLibs/Classes/Nudges/**/*",
109       "resources": [
110         "DCModuleLibs/Assets/Nudges/*"
111       ],
112       "dependencies": {
113         "AFNetworking": [
115         ],
116         "Masonry": [
117           "~> 1.1.0"
118         ],
119         "SocketRocket": [
121         ],
122         "FMDB": [
124         ],
125         "CocoaLumberjack": [
127         ],
128         "MJExtension": [
130         ],
131         "SDWebImage": [
133         ],
134         "ZFPlayer": [
136         ],
137         "ZFPlayer/ControlView": [
139         ],
140         "ZFPlayer/AVPlayer": [
142         ],
143         "ZFPlayer/ijkplayer": [
145         ],
146         "YYCategories": [
148         ]
149       }
150     },
151     {
152       "name": "DCMessages",
153       "source_files": "DCModuleLibs/Classes/DCMessages/**/*",
154       "dependencies": {
155         "AFNetworking": [
157         ],
158         "MJRefresh": [
160         ],
161         "MBProgressHUD": [
163         ],
164         "MJExtension": [
166         ],
167         "DCBaseKitLib/DCMBProgressHUDLib": [
169         ]
170       }
171     },
172     {
173       "name": "DCADSdk",
174       "source_files": "DCModuleLibs/Classes/DCADSdk/**/*",
175       "resources": [
176         "DCModuleLibs/Assets/AD/*"
177       ],
178       "dependencies": {
179         "Masonry": [
181         ],
182         "SDWebImage": [
184         ],
185         "YYModel": [
187         ],
188         "MJExtension": [
190         ],
191         "DCBaseKitLib": [
193         ]
194       }
195     },
196     {
197       "name": "DCTabBar",
198       "source_files": "DCModuleLibs/Classes/DCTabBar/**/*",
199       "dependencies": {
200         "DCBaseKitLib": [
202         ],
203         "SDWebImage": [
205         ],
206         "Masonry": [
208         ],
209         "DCModuleLibs/DCPageBuilding": [
211         ],
212         "DCUIKitLib": [
214         ]
215       }
216     },
217     {
218       "name": "DCSensorsManager",
219       "source_files": "DCModuleLibs/Classes/DCSensorsManager/**/*",
220       "dependencies": {
221         "SensorsAnalyticsSDK/Core": [
222           "~> 4.2.5"
223         ],
224         "SensorsAnalyticsSDK/Exception": [
225           "~> 4.2.5"
226         ]
227       }
228     }
229   ]