2 "name": "JBDeviceOwner",
4 "summary": "Cocoa Touch library for finding information on an iOS device's owner. Inspired by Square's iOS app.",
5 "homepage": "https://github.com/jakeboxer/JBDeviceOwner",
7 "git": "https://github.com/jakeboxer/JBDeviceOwner.git",
11 "Jake Boxer": "jake@github.com"
14 "description": "Cocoa Touch library for finding information on an iOS device's owner. Inspired by Square's iOS app. Typing names, email addresses, and other personal info is never fun.\nThis is often your user's first experience with your app, and it sucks. Fortunately, these data often already exist somewhere on your user's phone.\nJBDeviceOwner can currently get you the following attributes of the device's owner: name, email address, phone number (more are coming).",
15 "source_files": "JBDeviceOwner",
19 "frameworks": "AddressBook",