2 "name": "KNMSegueRouting",
4 "homepage": "https://github.com/konoma/ios-segue-routing",
5 "summary": "Allow preparing for UIStoryboardSegue using explicit methods and configuration blocks",
6 "description": "\n This category analyzes calls to -prepareForSegue:sender:\n and routes them based on the segue identifier. So for a 'Show Settings'\n segue, -prepareForShowSettingsSegue:sender: is called.\n\n Additionally you can prepare for segues which are explicitly performed using\n a configuration block.\n ",
12 "Markus Gasser": "markus.gasser@konoma.ch"
15 "git": "git@github.com:konoma/ios-segue-routing.git",
21 "source_files": "Sources/*.{h,m}",
22 "public_header_files": "Sources/*.h",