[Add] DocumentReaderMRZStage 7.5.10959
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 4 / e / 3 / XBMobile / / XBMobile.podspec.json
2   "name": "XBMobile",
3   "version": "",
4   "summary": "TableView & CollectionView integrated with service, load more cell & pull to refresh. All automatically.",
5   "description": "                       The most powerful Mobile framework. Integrated with PlusIgniter & CodeIgnore. Everything you need to do is drag and drop. Anybody can be developer.\n",
6   "homepage": "https://github.com/EugeneNguyen/XBMobile",
7   "license": "MIT",
8   "authors": {
9     "Eugene Nguyen": "xuanbinh91@gmail.com"
10   },
11   "source": {
12     "git": "https://github.com/EugeneNguyen/XBMobile.git",
13     "tag": ""
14   },
15   "platforms": {
16     "ios": "7.0"
17   },
18   "requires_arc": true,
19   "xcconfig": {
20     "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS": "$(SDKROOT)/usr/include/libxml2"
21   },
22   "source_files": "Pod/Classes/**/*",
23   "resource_bundles": {
24     "XBMobile": [
25       "Pod/Assets/**/*"
26     ]
27   },
28   "public_header_files": "Pod/Classes/**/*.h",
29   "frameworks": [
30     "UIKit",
31     "MapKit",
32     "CoreData"
33   ],
34   "libraries": "xml2",
35   "dependencies": {
36     "JSONKit-NoWarning": [
38     ],
39     "MBProgressHUD": [
41     ],
42     "UIActivityIndicator-for-SDWebImage": [
44     ],
45     "CocoaLumberjack": [
46       "~> 1.6.2"
47     ],
48     "XMLDictionary": [
50     ],
51     "AVHexColor": [
53     ],
54     "CHTCollectionViewWaterfallLayout": [
56     ],
57     "UIImage-Helpers": [
59     ],
60     "XBLanguage": [
62     ],
63     "NSDate+TimeAgo": [
65     ],
66     "XBCacheRequest": [
68     ],
69     "XBExtension": [
71     ]
72   }