[Add] DocumentReaderMRZStage 7.5.10959
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 5 / 0 / 7 / NimbusSDK / 2.15.2 / NimbusSDK.podspec.json
2   "name": "NimbusSDK",
3   "version": "2.15.2",
4   "summary": "The Nimbus SDK is the easiest and fastest way to start using Nimbus on iOS.",
5   "description": "Nimbus is a disruptive new mobile ad platform that combines an ultra low-latency server-to-server publisher\nexchange with a flexible, lightweight client-side SDK. With one call to our platform, you get\naccess to a pool of bidders who compete for your impression on a first-price auction, so you\nget the highest CPMs available, right from the source. Nimbus is designed to do two things well:\nmaximize your revenue and deliver a polished mobile advertising experience to your users.",
6   "homepage": "https://www.adsbynimbus.com",
7   "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/adsbynimbus",
8   "authors": "Nimbus",
9   "platforms": {
10     "ios": "12.0"
11   },
12   "documentation_url": "https://docs.adsbynimbus.com/docs/sdk/ios",
13   "license": {
14     "type": "Copyright",
15     "text": "Nimbus. All rights reserved."
16   },
17   "swift_versions": "5.0",
18   "static_framework": true,
19   "source": {
20     "http": "https://adsbynimbus-public.s3.amazonaws.com/dev/iOS/sdks/2.15.2/Nimbus-2.15.2.zip",
21     "sha256": "766edfd3d8b5c967d635b4bfb2baa21b39e2f89df191587fa051a189d99f7374"
22   },
23   "default_subspecs": "NimbusKit",
24   "subspecs": [
25     {
26       "name": "NimbusCoreKit",
27       "vendored_frameworks": "NimbusCoreKit.xcframework"
28     },
29     {
30       "name": "NimbusRequestKit",
31       "vendored_frameworks": "NimbusRequestKit.xcframework",
32       "dependencies": {
33         "NimbusSDK/NimbusCoreKit": [
35         ]
36       }
37     },
38     {
39       "name": "NimbusRequestAPSKit",
40       "vendored_frameworks": "NimbusRequestAPSKit.xcframework",
41       "dependencies": {
42         "NimbusSDK/NimbusRequestKit": [
44         ],
45         "AmazonPublisherServicesSDK": [
46           ">=4.5.6"
47         ]
48       }
49     },
50     {
51       "name": "NimbusRequestFANKit",
52       "source_files": "NimbusFAN/NimbusRequestFANKit/**/*",
53       "dependencies": {
54         "NimbusSDK/NimbusRequestKit": [
56         ],
57         "FBAudienceNetwork": [
58           ">=6.11.2"
59         ]
60       }
61     },
62     {
63       "name": "NimbusRenderKit",
64       "vendored_frameworks": [
65         "NimbusRenderKit.xcframework",
66         "OMSDK_Adsbynimbus.xcframework"
67       ],
68       "dependencies": {
69         "NimbusSDK/NimbusCoreKit": [
71         ]
72       }
73     },
74     {
75       "name": "NimbusRenderStaticKit",
76       "vendored_frameworks": "NimbusRenderStaticKit.xcframework",
77       "dependencies": {
78         "NimbusSDK/NimbusRenderKit": [
80         ]
81       }
82     },
83     {
84       "name": "NimbusRenderVideoKit",
85       "vendored_frameworks": "NimbusRenderVideoKit.xcframework",
86       "dependencies": {
87         "NimbusSDK/NimbusRenderKit": [
89         ],
90         "GoogleAds-IMA-iOS-SDK": [
91           ">=3.16.3"
92         ]
93       }
94     },
95     {
96       "name": "NimbusRenderFANKit",
97       "source_files": "NimbusFAN/NimbusRenderFANKit/**/*",
98       "dependencies": {
99         "NimbusSDK/NimbusRenderKit": [
101         ],
102         "FBAudienceNetwork": [
103           ">=6.11.2"
104         ]
105       }
106     },
107     {
108       "name": "NimbusRenderOMKit",
109       "vendored_frameworks": "NimbusRenderOMKit.xcframework",
110       "dependencies": {
111         "NimbusSDK/NimbusRenderKit": [
113         ]
114       }
115     },
116     {
117       "name": "NimbusKit",
118       "vendored_frameworks": "NimbusKit.xcframework",
119       "dependencies": {
120         "NimbusSDK/NimbusRequestKit": [
122         ],
123         "NimbusSDK/NimbusRenderKit": [
125         ]
126       }
127     },
128     {
129       "name": "NimbusGAMKit",
130       "source_files": "NimbusGAM/NimbusGAMKit/**/*",
131       "dependencies": {
132         "NimbusSDK/NimbusKit": [
134         ],
135         "Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK": [
136           ">=9.0.0"
137         ]
138       }
139     },
140     {
141       "name": "NimbusGoogleKit",
142       "source_files": "NimbusGoogle/NimbusGoogleKit/**/*",
143       "dependencies": {
144         "NimbusSDK/NimbusKit": [
146         ],
147         "Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK": [
148           ">=9.0.0"
149         ]
150       }
151     },
152     {
153       "name": "NimbusUnityKit",
154       "source_files": "NimbusUnity/NimbusUnityKit/**/*",
155       "dependencies": {
156         "NimbusSDK/NimbusKit": [
158         ],
159         "UnityAds": [
160           ">=4.6.0"
161         ]
162       }
163     },
164     {
165       "name": "NimbusLiveRampKit",
166       "vendored_frameworks": "NimbusLiveRampKit.xcframework",
167       "dependencies": {
168         "NimbusSDK/NimbusRequestKit": [
170         ],
171         "LRAtsSDK": [
172           "~> 1.4"
173         ]
174       }
175     },
176     {
177       "name": "NimbusVungleKit",
178       "source_files": "NimbusVungle/NimbusVungleKit/**/*",
179       "dependencies": {
180         "NimbusSDK/NimbusKit": [
182         ],
183         "VungleAds": [
184           ">=7.0.0"
185         ]
186       }
187     }
188   ],
189   "swift_version": "5.0"