[Add] DocumentReaderMRZStage 7.5.10959
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 5 / d / a / CBDCoreDataToolKit / 2.0.0 / CBDCoreDataToolKit.podspec.json
2   "name": "CBDCoreDataToolKit",
3   "version": "2.0.0",
4   "summary": "Cloning, replacing, importing with CoreData",
5   "description": "                  Cloning, replacing, importing with CoreData\n\n                  * cloning a NSManagedObject from a NSManagedObjectContext (MOC) to another\n                  * replacing a NSManagedObject by another\n                  * importing objects from a MOC to another MOC\n                  * wrapping methods for fetching objects. These methods don't create the MOC, the NSManagedObjectModel, etc. So, they are fully working with NSPersistentDocument\n",
6   "authors": {
7     "Colas": "colas.bardavid@gmail.com"
8   },
9   "homepage": "https://github.com/colasjojo/CBDCoreDataToolKit",
10   "license": {
11     "type": "MIT"
12   },
13   "source": {
14     "git": "https://github.com/colasjojo/CBDCoreDataToolKit.git",
15     "tag": "2.0.0"
16   },
17   "source_files": "Classes/CBDCoreDataToolKit.h",
18   "prefix_header_contents": "#define TODO(args...)",
19   "requires_arc": true,
20   "platforms": {
21     "ios": "5.0",
22     "osx": "10.7"
23   },
24   "frameworks": "CoreData",
25   "subspecs": [
26     {
27       "name": "Importing",
28       "dependencies": {
29         "CBDCoreDataToolKit/ActiveRecord": [
31         ],
32         "CBDCoreDataToolKit/Cloning": [
34         ]
35       },
36       "source_files": "Classes/Importing/*.{h,m}",
37       "subspecs": [
38         {
39           "name": "CBDCoreDataDiscriminator",
40           "dependencies": {
41             "CBDCoreDataToolKit/Misc": [
43             ],
44             "CBDCoreDataToolKit/Importing/CBDCoreDataDecision": [
46             ]
47           },
48           "source_files": "Classes/Importing/CBDCoreDataDiscriminator/*.{h,m}",
49           "subspecs": [
50             {
51               "name": "CBDCoreDataDiscriminatorHint",
52               "source_files": "Classes/Importing/CBDCoreDataDiscriminator/CBDCoreDataDiscriminatorHint/**/*.{h,m}"
53             }
54           ]
55         },
56         {
57           "name": "CBDCoreDataDecision",
58           "dependencies": {
59             "CBDCoreDataToolKit/Misc": [
61             ]
62           },
63           "source_files": "Classes/Importing/CBDCoreDataDecision/**/*.{h,m}"
64         }
65       ]
66     },
67     {
68       "name": "Cloning",
69       "source_files": "Classes/Cloning/**/*.{h,m}"
70     },
71     {
72       "name": "Replacing",
73       "source_files": "Classes/Replacing/**/*.{h,m}"
74     },
75     {
76       "name": "ActiveRecord",
77       "source_files": "Classes/ActiveRecord/**/*.{h,m}"
78     },
79     {
80       "name": "Misc",
81       "source_files": "Classes/Misc/**/*.{h,m}"
82     }
83   ]