4 "summary": "Try type for wrapping Swift error handling with let-binding (same as Optional).",
5 "description": "The current way of error handling in Swift has two problems:\n1. The dance of `do`, `try` and `catch` blocks is performed with lots of boilerplate that hurts readability.\n2. The composition of multiple code units that `throws` is non-straightforward.\n\nLet'sTry solves both problems by providing a trio of types for error handling simplification: Try, TryLazy and TryTyped. They are designed with composition in mind (inspired by monadic types) and encapsulate the `do`-`try`-`catch` boilerplate. They can also be used in let-binding statements just like Optional type, which makes using them a pleasure:\n\n```\nlet tried = Try { try throwingMethod() }\n\nif let succeeded = tried { ... }\n\nguard let succeeded = tried else { print(\"failed\"); return }\n```",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/siejkowski/LetsTry",
11 "authors": "Krzysztof Siejkowski",
12 "social_media_url": "http://twitter.com/_siejkowski",
19 "git": "https://github.com/siejkowski/LetsTry.git",
22 "source_files": "Sources/**/*.swift",