2 "name": "DataViewable",
4 "summary": "An empty data set and loading indicator framework.",
5 "description": "DataViewable is an extensible, protocol-based framework to make it easy to display empty data sets and loading indicators for any view that is used to display data to users. The DataViewable protocol defines an interface for creating empty data sets. Default implementations in the DataViewable protocol extension provide the bulk of the logic necessary to easily implement empty data sets and loading indicators on any view type.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/stablekernel/DataViewable",
12 "Ian MacCallum": "ian.maccallum@stablekernel.com"
18 "git": "https://github.com/stablekernel/DataViewable.git",
21 "source_files": "Sources/**/*.swift",
26 "swift_version": "4.1"