[Add] DocumentReaderMRZStage 7.5.10959
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / c / b / 1 / Tor / 406.9.2 / Tor.podspec.json
2   "name": "Tor",
3   "version": "406.9.2",
4   "summary": "Tor.framework is the easiest way to embed Tor in your iOS application.",
5   "description": "Tor.framework is the easiest way to embed Tor in your iOS application. Currently, the framework compiles in static versions of tor, libevent, openssl, and liblzma.",
6   "homepage": "https://github.com/iCepa/Tor.framework",
7   "license": {
8     "type": "MIT",
9     "file": "LICENSE"
10   },
11   "authors": {
12     "Conrad Kramer": "conrad@conradkramer.com",
13     "Chris Ballinger": "chris@chatsecure.org",
14     "Mike Tigas": "mike@tig.as",
15     "Benjamin Erhart": "berhart@netzarchitekten.com"
16   },
17   "source": {
18     "git": "https://github.com/iCepa/Tor.framework.git",
19     "branch": "pure_pod",
20     "tag": "v406.9.2",
21     "submodules": true
22   },
23   "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/tladesignz",
24   "platforms": {
25     "ios": "9.0",
26     "osx": "10.9"
27   },
28   "prepare_command": "touch geoip\ntouch geoip6",
29   "default_subspecs": "Core",
30   "subspecs": [
31     {
32       "name": "Core",
33       "pod_target_xcconfig": {
34         "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS": "$(inherited) \"${PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT}/Tor/tor\" \"${PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT}/Tor/tor/src\" \"${PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT}/Tor/openssl/include\" \"${PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT}/Tor/libevent/include\"",
35         "OTHER_LDFLAGS": "$(inherited) -L\"${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/Tor\" -l\"z\" -l\"lzma\" -l\"crypto\" -l\"ssl\" -l\"event_core\" -l\"event_extra\" -l\"event_pthreads\" -l\"event\" -l\"tor\""
36       },
37       "ios": {
38         "pod_target_xcconfig": {
39           "OTHER_LDFLAGS": "$(inherited) -L\"${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/Tor-iOS\""
40         }
41       },
42       "osx": {
43         "pod_target_xcconfig": {
44           "OTHER_LDFLAGS": "$(inherited) -L\"${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/Tor-macOS\""
45         }
46       },
47       "script_phases": [
48         {
49           "name": "Build XZ",
50           "execution_position": "before_compile",
51           "script": "cd \"${PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT}/Tor/xz\"\n../xz.sh\n"
52         },
53         {
54           "name": "Build OpenSSL",
55           "execution_position": "before_compile",
56           "script": "cd \"${PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT}/Tor/openssl\"\n../openssl.sh\n"
57         },
58         {
59           "name": "Build libevent",
60           "execution_position": "before_compile",
61           "script": "cd \"${PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT}/Tor/libevent\"\n../libevent.sh\n"
62         },
63         {
64           "name": "Build Tor",
65           "execution_position": "before_compile",
66           "script": "cd \"${PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT}/Tor/tor\"\n../tor.sh\n"
67         }
68       ],
69       "requires_arc": true,
70       "source_files": "Tor/Classes/**/*",
71       "preserve_paths": [
72         "Tor/include",
73         "Tor/libevent",
74         "Tor/libevent.sh",
75         "Tor/openssl",
76         "Tor/openssl.sh",
77         "Tor/tor",
78         "Tor/tor.sh",
79         "Tor/xz",
80         "Tor/xz.sh"
81       ]
82     },
83     {
84       "name": "GeoIP",
85       "dependencies": {
86         "Tor/Core": [
88         ]
89       },
90       "script_phases": {
91         "name": "Load GeoIP files",
92         "execution_position": "before_compile",
93         "script": "cd \"${PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT}\"\nif [ ! -f geoip ] || [ `find . -name geoip -empty -maxdepth 1` ] || [ `find . -name geoip -mtime +1 -maxdepth 1` ]\nthen\n  curl -Lo geoip https://gitweb.torproject.org/tor.git/plain/src/config/geoip?h=tor-\nfi\n\nif [ ! -f geoip6 ] || [ `find . -name geoip6 -empty -maxdepth 1` ] || [ `find . -name geoip6 -mtime +1 -maxdepth 1` ]\nthen\n  curl -Lo geoip6 https://gitweb.torproject.org/tor.git/plain/src/config/geoip6?h=tor-\nfi\n"
94       },
95       "resource_bundles": {
96         "GeoIP": [
97           "geoip",
98           "geoip6"
99         ]
100       }
101     }
102   ]