2 "name": "AdMobMediationAdapterVpadn",
4 "summary": "This adapter enables mediation of Vpon ads via the Google Ads SDK.",
5 "description": "By default mediation adapters are not included in AdMob SDK. Each mediation network other than AdMob requries additional library component. This is Vpadn mediation adapter library, provided by Vpon.\n\nSDK Document: http://vpon-sdk.github.io/ios/",
6 "homepage": "http://www.vpon.com",
8 "authors": "Vpon Inc.",
10 "http": "http://m.vpadn.com/sdk/AdMobAdapterVpadn-1.1.3.zip"
16 "preserve_paths": "AdMobAdapterVpadn-1.1.3",
17 "vendored_libraries": "AdMobAdapterVpadn-1.1.3/libVponAdapter_v1.1.3.a"
19 "compiler_flags": "-ObjC",
22 "Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK": [