4 "summary": "This lib is intentended to help any iOS developer of OAB. There are different subspec:\n - UI\n - RxHelper",
5 "description": "This lib is intentended to help any iOS developer of OAB. There are different tools like validator interfaces, Rx helpers like fromAsync method, currying, and also some ui tools",
6 "default_subspecs": "Validator",
7 "homepage": "https://github.com/Athosone/CrossCuts",
13 "Ayrton Werck": "ayrton.werck@orange.com"
16 "git": "https://github.com/Athosone/CrossCuts.git",
22 "frameworks": "UIKit",
23 "pushed_with_swift_version": "4.0",
27 "source_files": "crossCuts/Rx+Extensions/*{.swift}",
39 "source_files": "crossCuts/Validator/*{.swift}"